Debate Diseases - Modern Medicine and Overpopulation

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxAl Capwnagexx, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Do I honestly need to back up the law of gravity? No, its a fact.

    I suppose you're going to need evidence I exist once I prove any of my arguments are correct, yes?

    Again, you take me for some sort of idiot. I know water doesn't simply replenish itself, but I was pointing at the fact that there's lots of it and sad thing is all we need to survive is water. My whole concept with farms was that we have seeds for a reason. One tree can bear many fruit with more seeds to plant even more trees and so on and so on.

    You might has well just said "leave the thread", because you can apply that statement to anybody.

    I called one person an idiot, twice. Its not an insult. Its just that some people fail to realize that they can't understand something. If nobody is told that they know nothing, they will act pompous and selfish.

    Make up facts? Do you even know what a fact is? You can't just make them up. Everyone here more or less has gotten their facts from someone else. You're just going to question mine because its unusual to your's.
  2. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Guess you've never heard of the Flat Earth Society.
  3. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    True, but you need to back up your statement that the whole world can fit in florida 10 times. The law of gravity is a commonly held fact, your statement however, is not.

    No. We need food to survive as well as water. A common fact.

    What do seeds, trees, or farms have to do with energy consumption? We were talking about energy consumption and how that contributes to overpopulation. Currently the most used fuel in the world is oil (Source), which makes it the largest contributor to overpopulation by natural resource consumption.

    "We can fit the whole world on California 12 times over" (sound familiar?). I just made up a fact I heard by my friend. Since you didn't provide evidence for your world on Florida statement, I guess I don't have to cite my source either. Please, cite your evidence or we consider it null.

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