It should be, "This helpfulness can be infectious." There, see? I'm helping you improve your post! lol. Okay, just kidding. The people who complain about the staff being corrupt are just ankle-biters. Those are the people who are on every site (particularly on Bnet,) and whine when they get punished for breaking the rules that apply to everyone. I honestly think that any real mistakes made by the staff are pretty rare, and the only one I can think of is the one that cakeChart mentioned on the first page. I've been infracted.... umm... twice, I think... and both times I deserved it. Most people who see people whining about the staff or their position on the site recognize it for what it is and ignore/shun them. Forge Hub may suffer from spam, but at least the people who are responsible for it are pretty recognizable.
Personally, a few minutes ago, i hated the staff. i had an issue with a thread tht had been reposted by accident multiple times. i tried to ask Insane and Chron what was wrong and after seeing the infraction posts, asked how to fix it, and i didn't get a reply. ...until just nao. They (chron and insane) said my perm infracs will be retracted, and i can just ride out the temp infractions. after reading that i came straight to this thread. I love the mods, even tho i've been here on FH for longer than most of them.
I admit, i was exaggerating in my post. I always understood what the staff had to put up with. I wasn't angry, just disappointed a little. i'm cool with staff. check the status. <---
When you've been here longer, your opinions tend to carry more weight. So I fear that my opinions are regularly disregarded because I only joined in October.
opinions are only really disregarded if the person presenting them is an idiot, immature, or just plain annoying...
Yes, opinions are and always should be judged by the intelligence of the post. When you joined has little or nothing to do with it.
Yes I agree, most of them have probally done something corrupt, but like he said, their only human. I have been mad a couple of times and called the staff corrupt but that was just because I was mad. I actually like the way things are ran here on Forgehub.So to all of the people that they say the staff are corrupt, well they are either mad or are just immature. In my opinion, a huge website is very hard to run and they need to be given some slack every now and then.
Lincoln was one person. He got presidency (if that's how you spell it) by exactly one vote. Don't underestimate the power of one person.
I don't know where you're getting your information from, but you're certainly misinformed. And Lincoln did many things that would be considered "corrupt" by todays standards.... hell even then they could have been. Abandoning Habius Corpus was a huge breach of our civil rights. However, it was those actions that kept the US in tact.