making a mini-game that requires fall damage to make it playable. (its fun btw) but when I made the gametype I set the "Damage modifier" (The amount of damage you DEAL) and set it to 0%. tested the game and there was NO fall damage. Then set the damage modifier to 25% and then barely received fall damage upon testing, coming to this very odd conclusion: The percent of fall damage that affects the player is determined by the damage modifier settings. the higher the modifier, the more fall daamge you will take, and the lower it is, the less damage you will take. how in the hell did they correlate fall damage and damage modifier like that? lol dont believe me? try it out
If you wanted to cancel out something like this, you could use 10%damage modifier and 10%damage resistance. Although sadly this wouldn't work for no fall damage
who knows what other things like this are in the game. i always thought they should pput in a fall damage option I'm pretty sure it was posted somewhere else before but I'm too lazy to find that too.
Well.. that is quite interesting.. No health = no fall damage... But seriously.. 343 needs a fall damage modifier in Halo 4. (Do they have one already?)