Basically this is a map I wanted to build in Halo 3 but the limited objects and budget prevented me from making it something special. The design is based on a timesplitters FP map by the same name, obviously this looks nothing like a disco... Obviously there are some alterations to make is play well with halo reach, (hopefully) At the moment spawns have just been placed for slayer and the power weapons (rockets with no spare clips, a sniper and a shotgun) I really need to test it out it's open to lots of change so please post you GT is your interested, cheers. Oh yeah here are some pictures to give you an idea
Kind of hard to judge the layout from the pictures. I'm always willing to play-test maps, tho. Gamertag is the same as acount name. Be warned, I WILL try to break your map. For your own sake.
wonderful. Mayhaps afterwards you could test my invasion map? I'm trying to get people to... Wait... (lightbulb turns on above head) BRB posting new thread...