I was wondering if anybody knows if the forge mode is on disc 2 to recap whats on disc 2 -Halo 3 Multiplayer -All 24 maps(incl.New Mythic) -Saved Films(Theater basically) Halo 3 ODST's multiplayer disc: all frag, no Chief filler "Halo 3 Multiplayer Complete." That was our takeaway from a meeting with Bungie at GamesCom today. Discussing "the other game" in the ODST box, the Bungie rep reiterated, "It's all the multiplayer maps we released with Halo 3, then all of the DLC we've released since then, along with three new maps." The standalone disc pretty much means that precious Xbox 360 hard drive space can be cleansed of Halo 3 maps ... of course, there's always the option of putting the whole disc on the HDD as well. The Bungie rep explained it best by saying, "It's like putting in Halo 3 into your Xbox, except it doesn't have the campaign." So does this mean forge or what? Ill be keeping in this disc so everytime I go into matchmaking I wont have to manually load all the maps from custom games. Godsend!
theres 2 discs one has everything on the original halo3 disc exept the campagn it will still have: forge matchmaking theatre and all the maps ever made by bungie (updated versions i think) and the 1st disc is the odst campaghn i think thats what you wanted to know right?
Yes thankyou, after i read the link I was pretty sure that forge was in there but I wanted to be sure. Dont forget Firefight on Disc 1
This is their chance to update forge to meet our needs, correct? If Bungie doesn't do it now, when will they ever get another chance? C'mon Bungie, we need glue!
I remember hearing on bungie.net that disc 2 was the Halo: Reach Beta and the first disc was everything else.
Disc 1: Halo 3: ODST - Campaign mode - Firefight mode Disc 2: Halo 3 - Halo 3 game, minus the campaign. All map packs built in like they were shipped with the game originally. Thats it. Thats all there is to it. Why does everyone have a hard time grasping this?
Psssh. Cause people can't read. They also spoke the words themsleves in the countless demos of Firefight, saying: "Yes, ODST will come with 2 discs etc. etc....and the second disc will come with all of the original content of Halo 3 without the Campaign. People als need to pull out the earplugs along with pulling on their reading glasses...
disc 1 will have theater as well. It wouldn't make sense to have to switch game discs just to see something cool you did and then switch back to play again.