god dammit how arent the new maps worth buying. its halo for god sakes why dont you support your favorite game and buy the maps already. i mean in my opinion the legendary map pack is better than the heroic maps except that the heroic had foundry which is good for forging. and ghost town is just awesome.
I already explained why... many, many times. You just assume Halo is my favorite game? Also, it is your opinion legendary is better than heroic, not mine. Please stop being ignorant and go away.
woah! why would i expect this game to be your favorite? your dissing it. all i'm saying is that 10 bucks is not much. are you f**king poor or something? fyi- your negative rep that you gave me did nothing so for the future, wait till you have good rep before you give others who you truly hate negative rep. also next time try not to swear when you give negative rep. it makes you sound like a little pissy imature boy whose mom refuses to give breast feeding to.
Believe me you are the one is is immature or at least can not read or has passed the 4th grade. "Why would i expect this game to be your favorite? your dissing it." You said that in your last post you tard and I'm not dissing it. "all i'm saying is that 10 bucks is not much. are you f**king poor or something?" No, and I already explained this many times but you can't read or something. Now go away you ignorant child.
Bungie made a poor move in making them need to be in specific maps. That will only encourage quitters until they get the one specific map they want. I'm not going into a DLC playlist because I know if it isn't Avalanche, we're down to 1/3 of the team size.
woah calm your hormones little child. i do believe that you're the imature one. learn to take critisism and deal with it. like my god, i'm not forcing you to buy the maps but when you keep making a fuss about it and bitching and complainin then i'm gonna try and talk some sense into you. i'm only trying to help you become a child from that utterly immature 9 year old girl inside of you. listen to yourself. you sound like a bitching school girl who wont get what she wants. and you think that i cant read? every single post in this thread you had anre about bitching over the same thing, the legendary maps not being free. all your posts are the same so why should i even bother to read all of them. for the future, be a little more mature in your posts, back yourself up with some more evidence, and stop ****ing complaining. at this rate people all over forge hub are gonna hate you. whats done is done. the maps arent free, the new achievements are out, and there's nothing you can do about it so complainin wont change anything. if you truly want to keep complaining, do it on bungie.net and complain to bungie, not the users of forge hub. seriously!! EDIT: and H3C, dont worry, now with the new match making system i dont give a dam about my stats so i quit matches all the time so i get the match i want.
Wow this is my last post because I'm done argueing with someone who can't even comprehend the subject of the post. You are the one who is bitching and yes you basically told me to buy the maps. I'm just saying the achievements take advantage of people because you need to buy the new maps even to play certain play lists now. So I bought the game but now I have to keep paying just to play it? These little $10 here and there add up but you have no idea because your mommy pays for all your stuff now go away kid because you have to idea how the real world works and you have no idea what you are even talking about. Every post you make you sound more retarded.
hahaha perhaps you are the confused one silent emu. and my mom, doesnt pay for anything. im forced to buy everything now that i have a job so shut up kid
a lot of the acheivements really aren't that easy. Like getting a perfection on a mythic map. The Annual isn't easy either (I would know i had to do it twice and still didn't get it because my disc is scratched.