Disappointing achievements?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by A SILENT EMU, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I just started to play the Orange Box, and that is a great series of games.

    Annnyways, I find it funny that people are complaining about achievements which have been added. They take nothing away from what everyone has already earned, so who is this harming? If you really hate the Legendary Map Pack, then you'll have to live without those few achievements that include them.
    #21 Draw the Line, Sep 23, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2008
    Dr. Chombie likes this.
  2. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    i'm with you. i mean GS is an already pointless points system that has been put into all xbox 360 games so why complain about them when they're completely pointless. if you truely like halo and deserve to play then who cares about the achievements. halo 3 is big for its online play anyway, not the achievements!

    also why care about gamerscore for a game anyway. th ehighest GS in the world someone has is over 250 000 you cant really compete with that can you?
  3. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    If you dont like the achievements, then dont do em at all, its that easy. Just resume with your normal halo lives how they were before the achievments.

    and Silent Emu, Squidhands is old enough to have done your mother and become your daddy.....twice. Put that in your head when you sleep at night ;]
    squidhands likes this.
  4. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Again, I think that he's more annoyed at the way Bungie didn't go creative with the achievements. Achievements, while pointless, can make a games lifespan much, much longer. Hell, just the other day, I played Half Life again so as to finish off the achievements and later on, I'm gonna' try Portal.

    And tbh, I'm more pissed at the Double team changes more then anything. Just because I don't want to spend money, a whole playlist is gone for me. And it was my favorite playlist too!
  5. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    You're going to have to realize that you'll have to spend money in some form on maps if you're going to continue playing matchmaking. It's inevitable, unfortunately, but that kind of thing happens when you play games on live.
  6. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    OK forget my last comment, i just got them like 1 day ago for some reason. i know they were supposed to come out the 18th though, wierd. ya they are pretty easy but there not really disappointing there easy and worth alot of g points. i mean thats good enough for me.
  7. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Out of every game I play, this is the only one that is doing this. Why is Bungie all of a sudden making it madatory to have to pay to play one of the most played playlist? That's bullshit. I'm sorry, but my respect for Bungie just went down the drain. They didn't have to do this but they did.
  8. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    You can always wait till there free if its that bad. If your not down to pay 10 bucks. Everyone has 10 bucks, ****, I wipe my ass with 10 bucks. :p
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    That's not the point. The point is that you have to pay to play a playlist that was there from the start. A playlist that I'ma level 47 at yet I can't play it.

    This was a 'what were they thinking' moment for me.
  10. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Doubles was a playlist that only had a few maps that worked well with it. By adding the new maps, it adds a little more variety...which we can all appreciate.

    They've done something very similar in Halo 2...if you can recall.

    Here is another point of view: I paid $10 for these maps, I better be able to play more than one playlist with them in it.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    Wooooow all I was saying is that the new achievements are lame because they're a cheap trick to get you to buy the maps and everyone comes on here and talks mad **** like I probably could have assumed they would because they are all *** whipped by Bungie. It's not that I don't have $10 dollars or am an achievement ***** it is the idea of the thing that Bungie is forcing you to crank out money to play their game when you already payed for it (not being able to play some of the playlists). Sure you may say it's only $10 but all these little things add up and ms and Bungie is making tons off you by ripping you off because half of you have no concept of value. I didn't come on here to flame I was making an opinion and then defending myself from those who flamed me. What can you expect from Halo fanboys though. Maybe I just thought this community would be better than the usual fanboys but I guess not.
  12. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    What you expect from a HALO FANSITE? Unreal Tournament fans? sheez man.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    You just completely missed the point of my last post.
  14. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    dude. whats the point that he missed in that last thread. listen man, sure bungie is making us pay money to play a playlist but thats how they make their money. if you really care about the playsist so much then pay 10$ for the maps. geez, 10 dollars isnt much, i have a job that pays me a lot and i'd spend $10 on fricken barbie game3r pics if there were any. the point is 10 dollars isnt much, just pull some outta your ass and pay the money geez
    DrawingMan likes this.
  15. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    They were alway in the Doubles playlist. Halo 2 didn't do the same thing. They said that you could buy them to see them before those that didn't and they had their own specific playlist.

    In Halo 3, new maps were always in Doubles, Slayer and every single one of those playlists, you could run into them whenever both teams have the maps.

    But since they just all of a sudden changed the Doubles playlist to ALL DLC REQUIRED, I and many other people can't play our favorite playlist.
  16. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I have never had that happen to me....and if it's happened to others, it must be in a very low occurrence. The only place where I used to be able to get a game on the new maps was the DLC hopper. I'm very happy to see the new maps in team slayer...it was a breath of fresh air.

    And to Silent Emu: We're all being fairly civil here, there really isn't a need to get overly upset about our views. We're just showing you the opposite side to your argument. I understand your upset you can't play a playlist, but we all can't continue playing the same few maps, it would eventually get very old. Bungie didn't throw everyone a freebie this time, and it sucks. But we're all going to have to live with it.

    And who knows, maybe one of those 3 maps will actually grow on you.....if you decide to buy them.
  17. RageGummy

    RageGummy Ancient
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    have you seen some of them for the mythic map pack?
    And which halo fan dosnt have the legendary maps yet?
  18. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    The only one I knda' like is Avalanche. That's it. I've played all 3 and Ghost Town just seems eh, Blackout is a bastardised version of Lockout and Avalanche is a bastardised version of Sidewinder.

    600 points is not worth 2 remakes and a map that I don't like.

    And trust me, I've played Blackout several times in Team Doubles and Ghost Town many times in Team Objective.

    A huge amount considering 2 remakes and a mediocre map aren't worth 600 points.
  19. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'm surprised more people don't like the map Ghost Town. I really think its my favorite Halo map of all time (even if its impossible to forge on). It may not work well for objectives, but its insanely fun for slayer.

    Avalanche is fun for a large map....and while it isn't Sidewinder, its still fun to play. It's probably my least favorite of the map pack, and it was the map I was looking forward to the most.

    Blackout is still a fun map, I think people need to stop comparing it to the original. (Nothing will live up to it). Its still much better than the majority of maps currently out there. I just wish some people could look pasts its differences from the original.
    squidhands likes this.
  20. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    IMO, in salyer, it turns into a giant cluster****. I don't find that fun.

    It's fun to play, or at least more fun then the other 2, but they messed up what SIdewinder was about. In Sidewinder, if you weren't in vehicles, you better run into a base or into the caves.

    People should compare it to the original consiidering that it is a remake. It's differences make it bad. From the removal of the door jumps and for the tunnel change at the bottom. Not to mention the rails and the decrease in height for some places.

    To me, the whole map pack isn't worth the cost. Now, the only thing that would be worth the money is Team Doubles.

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