I'm working on a Slayer map. It's a vertical map so I've added the 4 Jetpack armor ability items in case someone plays Classic Slayer. As a test, I also made them Game Specific because I wanted to know how this function worked. (this is my 1st time using Forge) I then loaded my map under the Infection gametype (still in Forge) to see if they were available in a game other than Slayer. They weren't there, great, but now when I go and load my map under Slayer, there is only 1 Jetpack. The other 3 have vanished. I tried to add the other 3, but the game says there are 0 available because I already used them. How do I get my missing 3 Jetpacks back? And why did this happen? Also, a couple more q's. For instance, I want to create a Slayer map. Do I have to create a separate map for each Slayer gametype? And, what does the "*built in" notation mean in the lower right corner of the screen when choosing which gametype to load in Forge? Thanks guys.
to get back 4 jetpacks, hover over the one left, press B and click "DELETE ALL OF THESE". then you will be able to place the jetpacks again. not sure how to fix the problem though. try this bungie forum thread. it might help. Bungie.net : Halo: Reach Forum : Forge Required Objects Guide
I actually tried that. After deleting the remaining jetpack it said I only had 1 available. Am I screwed?
Did you read my response?? I said I tried that. I know the difference between the 2 options. I tried delete all hoping it would then make the all available again, it only made 1 available.
I think where you got confused is because I only had 1 jetpack on my map, so you assumed I just deleted that one. I highlighted the 1 remaining jetpack pressed B and chose to delete all of these.