Dimension Map Pack

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Yellow Sausage, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    Welcome everyone to a map pack like no other. It consists of 8 1v1/2v2 maps that are not in Forge World. Also there is no DLC involved. Aaand every pre-map has a map on it. Including Zealot! So sit back and enjoy.

    Oh when I was uploading pics to my FS my xbox overheated (again) so I only got 4 pics/maps now. I'll upload the rest in about an hour.

    Maps are in reverse order:
    NT= Not Tested
    T= Tested

    Basement: NT

    Elbow: NT

    Bluff: T

    Drip-Drop: T

    As I said, I'll bring the last 4 later.

    I guess the inspiration for this came from WhackyGordon. His maps i.e Just the Tip showed that forging on other maps is possible and can come up with good results.

    Instead of having a DL link for each map I'm going to link you to the maps in my File Share. Just scroll down to the one you want to download. Also the other 4 maps are there aswell, because I had uploaded the maps b4 the pics. Here's the link:

    File Share Halo Official Site

    Thanks everyone for looking at this and I hope you can give me some feedback below. All is welcome. Thanks!
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't agree with this type of "forging", but if the map plays well, I can't complain.
  3. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Same. Most maps played outside of Forge World (Maybe with the exception of Ridgeline, but I don't have the DLC and can't attest to that myself) tend to feel like cut-out sections of the premade maps.
  4. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    What you're saying is true but if these do play well then I'll say this.

    Would you rather play a map like this that plays well

    Or a FW map that doesn't play well?

    If they don't play well then Damn!
  5. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't really get that, for example, all you did on bluff was placing some barriers, added a wall and well .. that's about it, isn't it? Or am I missing something?

    Sure, it may be a challenge to work with limited resources, but just look at bluff again. If I would use a random spot on forge world, block it off from the rest of the map, add a structure and some barriers and call it a map, most people would laugh at me. How is that any different from the same concept, just on another map?
  6. Ghostreaper1991

    Ghostreaper1991 Promethean

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    Grumble, grumble... I think we need more than one picture for each map to be more convinced to download them for ourselves, or that could just be me. What else exactly have you changed about the maps to alter the current flow?

    To be honest, I don't really care for these types of 'forges' unless it's something that beats the hell out of the current game play Bungie has provided for the map, and as SpinCycle014 says, they tend to feel like cut-outs of the pre-made map.
  7. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    I would of added more pics but as I said my xbox is having trouble and I still can't get it working. :[

    Still they might feel like cut outs but does it matter how long it took to make or how much I did? It matters how the map plays. That's important. So instead judging how much I did, judge how the map plays. Some mini-games don't take much effort but it is how it plays is what people are interested in.
  8. Ghostreaper1991

    Ghostreaper1991 Promethean

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    That's completely understandable, I was just stating what I thought was needed.

    Exactly why I was asking, what have you done to change the flow? I don't really care for Reflection and would like to see improvements on it as I would see with most other Bungie produced maps... There isn't a whole lot of people on my friends list who play halo to test these out with and would like to hear about how what you have done to the maps has changed them as an alternative, I simply seek more information than is provided.
  9. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    The problem is that most maps like this play well (or decent) specifically because bungie made them play well. What I think the point that most responders (is that what you call them) are trying to make but describing poorly is that the map must play very differently than how that segment of map plays within the whole map. In addition, you have to deal with the aesthetics being similar - you'll have to be extra good in order to compensate for people insisting that the maps play similarly because they look the same.

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