Okay guys, This is the first episode of DigitalPh33r's New Series Hard Justice. I thought it was pretty good, but in my opinion. It starts off a little slow. What do you guys think about it?
I already saw it. but still, glad you posted so people can see it. I thought this was gunna be like a serious hardcore machinima like dues ex machima but no... this was hilarious "what are you in for?" " downloading songs, what bout you?" " assualt on an officer" "wow, your bad ( something along the lines of that) " " no, i farted and he thought i was threating him"
LOL. I liked the part at the beginning where there were shooting at him just for downloading three songs. "Sir, It is a criminal offence to resist the electicity"
I liked it. Thought it was great, especially when I realized it was a comedy. I was almost closing it for a second there. Not a huge fan of serious machinima. =P
already posted here: and there's actually a few discussion threads about it too. search bar is your friend ;D
fyi, episode 2 is out now i dont know if you wanna put it up here on this thread. i might post a new thread about it.
BTW that is the promo. This is the actual episode. And guys here is the second episode of HJ
Simply a great series, digital spheer is da bomb. I cant wait to see the next one! Woo. :] I wonder how long it takes to film an edit one of these videos.
Probably a pretty long time. He is really great at making these videos it is amazing. He should actually make a real movie some day.