Diffraction is a 2-Based map created primarily for flag and slayer. It isn't open like a typical 'onslaught clone', it has some elements of a room based design but there are very easy transitions between the rooms and they aren't cramped. The only power weapon on the map is a Concussion Rifle located bottom purple, on drop spawn. It is placed in a low position because it's very overpowered up high, and a team will have to risk a high power position for a power weapon. Top mid is very dominating, however there are safe routes from the bases to the side bases (Purple and Yellow) to offer lots of opportunities to break a setup. Please enjoy my map! Base Purple (Concussion Rifle Spawn) Yellow Bottom Mid (Healthpack) Purple-Top Mid I haven't done great amount of testing so any feedback is appreciated. >DOWNLOAD< Remember to 'Like' and +Tag my file!