Different Level MM edition

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by sendernode, Feb 13, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

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  1. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Squidhands' Furiously Tentacular Review


    I've posted about this map a few times already, so I'll try not to repeat myself. The new weapon variety in this Matchmaking version makes an already stellar map into something we can all be in awe of. Different Level should be featured, I can't stress that enough. We played the map a total of three times last night, and it was great every time. We doubled up on the CTF because the first game went too fast with the default settings. We changed it to not being able to score unless your flag was at home and it worked perfectly. Team Slayer played great on here too in a 4v4 setting. Even with the high powered weapons there's really nowhere you can really dominate one portion of the map. With a group of eight people, there were minor spawning issues. I got nailed a couple of times right after spawning in the middle of someone else's firefight. Throwing in a few respawn areas would clear this up in a heartbeat. Still, it plays just as well as any competitive map that Bungie has produced for H3.
    Every member of Forge Hub should have this on their HD. Sendernode is going to have a lot to live up to with his next map.

    Enjoyment: [​IMG]
    - Get it now, you won't be sorry.

    Durability: [​IMG]
    - Sendernode's created an impossible map to break out of. The slanted walls that block off the rest of Foundry is very well done.

    Aesthetics: [​IMG]
    - The beautiful simplicity of this layout is something to behold. The interlocking is flawless and the partial open box sticking up in the middle of the map is a total forge-gasm.

    Originality: [​IMG]
    - It seems most MLG-geared maps are heavily influenced by the over-symmetry of H2's Midship. That being said, this blows away any of those MLG-style maps out of the water.

    Balance: [​IMG]
    - As I said, MLG=balance. Even with the newly added power weapons like the Sniper, Shotgun, and Rockets, the map balances out incredibly well.

    Overall: [​IMG]
    - A total no-brainer. As far as I'm concerned, Bungie should feature this map, not just FH.
  2. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    gorebound's Furious Review


    Enjoyment: I haven’t played a single game on this map that has been dull. There’s literally action going on all over the map at all times, but not in a frantic way. It’s an organized chaos. I find myself having more fun on this map than on several of the maps that the game shipped with.

    Balance: Anybody who has read my previous reviews know that I’m nitpicky when it comes to balance and the issues that might arise when it comes to a balanced experience. I can gladly say that this map doesn’t have any irregularities when it comes to a balanced, fair experience except for the occasional bubble shield that Furious likes to hog :squirrel_wink:.

    Durability: I couldn’t find a way of escaping out of the map and since the map is so beautifully forged I’ll probably end up keeping this on the HD for as long as I’m still playing Halo. Big Kudos.

    Aesthetics: This is, by far, the best looking forged map out there. When I first booted up the map my jaw literally dropped, I seriously believed that you worked for Bungie or that you had some special tools when you made it because it simply looks that good. Perfection? As close as one can come through Forge at least.

    Overall: This will be the map that others strive to beat. For now it’s the pinnacle of forging as we know it. I’m obsessed with competitive and balanced maps and you’ve managed to create a map that offers both, throw in excellent aesthetics into the mix and you have it.

    I'm really looking forward to your next creations. Keep up the excellent work and Happy Forging!


    Peace // gorebound
  3. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like a sweeeeeet map
  4. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    One of the top 10 greatest user created maps as of right now in my book! It is brilliant!
  5. roh roh roh

    roh roh roh Ancient
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    Smooooth as can be. Very nice.

  6. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Yup, it looks cool. I downloaded it. Can't wait to play it, better than a lot of maps, I love your idea of making two versions to cater to the users preferences, that will get you far in life. -Brute Captain
  7. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    This looks great even though I haven't had a chance to play a real game on it. I have one question though: Why is the signature box in the middle open? Was it because you were out of closed, or does it have a feature to it. I was hoping I could drop to the bottom through it.

    Also, I just this, but the Furious Review rating images are awesome.

    Edit: I just realized that you could hide in the open box in the center.
  8. Day0fJustice

    Day0fJustice Ancient
    Senior Member

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    played this map 1v1 with a friend and it was awesome, everything seemed just perfect.
    cant think of a single thing wrong with it haha.
  9. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    Wow, nice map.
  10. skaerkev

    skaerkev Ancient
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    Re: Different Level

    sooo freakin cool q'd fo download
  11. skaerkev

    skaerkev Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sick wicked good forger
  12. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Yeah, I've managed to hide successfully in the box one time. It's not incredibly useful, but it's a nice feature on the map. Definitely not a real selling point, though.

    And thanks. I made those images. (Unless you're talking about squidhands' stuff).
  13. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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  14. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Please do not double post. Just edit it into the previous message.
  15. sendernode

    sendernode Ancient
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    thanks for the reviews and all the other feedback. The info in the posts is all I know about how the M.E. plays - I wasn't been able to round up enough testers for it and I haven't even seen any film yet (weak). If anyone still has theater film of the Matchmaking Edition in action, I'd really appreciate it (send films to GT: Sender Node). I noticed a testing section and that's stop #2 for tonight.

    I'm curious how the bubbleshields been abused so far? I like the idea of players controlling equipment, especially in objective games - but don't want it to be over the top. Btw I like the suggestion to move the flag up if the bottom routes are too quick. I'm also really curious to see how rockets have worked out and if the pace is ok.

    I"m going to do some playtesting and tweaking, add some spawn areas, etc. and v1.0 should be out soon.
  16. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great job looks sweet
    will dl
  17. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I'll put the CTF film up on my fileshare this evening when I get home from work. I must say that Furious is really on to something with the movement of the Bubble shield. I think it would spice up the flag return routes, especially when playing with the default scoring for CTF.
    I also forgot to mention how much I liked the idea of the 'drop spawn' for the rockets and (I think) snipers. Am I correct in assuming that this makes them disappear if not picked up quickly?
  18. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Yeah, I think it'd be cool to play a one flag on this if the flag were up here in front of the door. For multi it the other flag could be right across from it. I don't know why I didn't use a picture before when I tried to explain it. :p
  19. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    I don't know if multi flag would work so well with the flags positioned on those places seeing as one of the teams would have an easier way when accessing the other teams flag (running right across the map while the other team has to run on the sides).

    And sendernode, are you working on some other map or are you "only" updating these ones for now?

    Peace // gorebound
  20. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah, you're right. Now I feel stupid. But you gotta admit that first spot would be sweet for one flag.

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