you want it ill make it.....just send me the pics and ill do wat i can with sig is against u can tell....made it in 5min.....its kinda like Quick N' go
Ahh I suppose I will have to give you a render after all. ^If you can, use this one. I am not too picky, just make something that you think is cool.
ok its finally done heres the code [IM G][/IMG] delete the space in the beginning where it has [IM(Theres a space here take it out)G
hey i was wondering if you cold make me one... about the same size as my current one with include this on the far left: My Grifball team name somewhere near it (maybe in white over the bottom portion of him by his legs): Thus I Refute Thee my GT positioned in center-ish?: LIGHTSOUT225 this emblem centered also: and Rank emblem far right: make it look badass, play around with it and be creative. i dont know anything about sigs really, so i dont know whats do-able and whats not. So let me know if im being too picky or if its too complicated or whatever. But i would greatly appreciate this is if you have the time! thanks homie
You could do this. Its too big to put as image. Also, that sigs huge! lol