Hello and welcome to Didacts Skull! This is my first Puzzle-like map for Halo 4, you must race to the skull, first one there wins. I started this map earlier this year, and completely forgot about it until yesterday. I would now like to share it with you. The map can be fun, but is quite challenging. Recommended Players: 1-5. Difficulty: Hard. I'm doing a competition. It's a speedrun competition. The best time wins. To enter, simply put your clip of completion in your fileshare. Send me a message saying your entering, and that your clip's in your fileshare (Send to my XBL account, Juggacly) The winners clip will be recorded and put on YouTube, with your name on the video. The competition ends 9/6/13. Start playing!
It can be a bit of a puzzle for the first time. (if you didn't watch the tutorial.) For things like, hidden turrets and all that.
I just took a Speedrun on your map, I Stop watch timed the film and got 1:57 exact time. I sent you a message earlier saying I got 2 minutes but I just beat that time so hopefully that's fast enough now It's in my fileshare. GT: Eshkii Nice map btw