Didact (Invasion, playtesters needed)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rigest, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Didact

    Didact is an Invasion map trying to recapture the true BTB feeling. It features sneak elements, an escort across an ancient bridge and air combat. The map is pretty much finished, I have some budget left to polish it all some more. I'm looking for playtesters to test a few things: vehicle spawn times, is the first phase balanced enough, weapons spawns and spawns in general. If you want to help test the map, have feedback or just want to say something, don't be shy to post :) !

    Phase 1
    Spartan Loadouts: Sniper with active camo
    Elite Loadout: Sword with evade and one plasma grenade.
    Vehicles and weapons on map: None.

    The Spartans have to sneak into the base to claim it their own.


    The territories are located in the open so Elites can't camp. The Elites are fast, but when a Spartan finally kills one he's really powerfull (camo + sword = win). When they takeover the base the garage will open and the vehicles will spawn.

    Phase 2
    Spartan Loadouts: Jetpack with AR and pistol, Armor Lock with shotgun and pistol and Drop Shield with DMR and AR
    Elite Loadouts: Drop Shield with plasma repeater and plasma pistol, jetpack with needle rifle and plasma repeater, evade with sword and plasma rifle.

    Vehicles on map: 2 x mongoose, 2 x Warthog, 1 x Rockethog, 1 Gausshog for the humans. 2 x Ghost and 2 Revenants for the Covenant.
    Weapons on map: 2 x fuel rod gun (Covenant base), plasma launcher (first floor of the bridge) and focus rifle (second floor of the bridge).

    The humans have to take the bomb to make one of their vehicles into a car bomb. They then have to escort it across the bridge. The bridge consists of three lanes and three floors. It's the only way to get to the Covenant base. Once you're there you have to blow up the powercable powering the sattelite. The bridge is designed so that infantry can play a big role as well. They can manouver easier between the lanes and can take the man cannon to get to bridge without using the ramp.


    An overview from the bridge.

    The Covenant base.

    Phase 3

    The fight now goes on in the mountains. The Elites get two banshees and the humans get two Falcons. Each base has a teleporter that transports you to the base.

    The powersource of the Covenant. Once you've taken the core there are two escape routes. The teleporter is the safe way to get to your own base, but the end is in the middle of the bridge. The other way is a bit more risky, but when you jump the right way you can hit a man cannon flying you to the top of the bridge.

    So I really hope you guys have any feedback on the map. I'm planning to release the final version asap. All suggestions are welcome :)

    Map: Didact
    Gametype: Invasion Didact

  2. Vbdude

    Vbdude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this map looks really nice, well forged!
    Only problem I think this will have is the slightly OP camo on the Spartans, I mean they start with snipers? Balance it more perhaps?
  3. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for your respons Vbdude. I submitted it to the testers guild to check out the concerns about phase 1. In theory it's pretty balanced. All the fighting will be inside the base, so it's pretty hard to snipe close range. If you don't make a headshot the elites will jump to you in just a second. Also if your camo isn't activated the Elites will kill you very fast. Hopefully testing will make it clear if it's balanced.

    I'm still building my map. I've added an elevator with switch that takes you down from the mountain base to the bridge. It looks pretty cool and works really nice.
  4. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Me would love to test! My GT is: oscarvdhooft.
  5. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks artifact, I will add you asap. I still need more testers though. I only have 3 friends who want to test with me and I need at least ten (I prefer 12) to test it. If you want to test it with your own friends please give me some feedback :)!

    All constructive feedback is welcome people. I really think this map has the potential to make for a more fun experience than Boneyard or Spire!
  6. kavemanr

    kavemanr Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i would be willing to test :D
    possibly not this week due to the weekly challenge, but if i finish early or next week you can ive me an invite
    GT: kavemanr
  7. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great kavemanr, but I'm still waiting for some more testers since you need at least 8 players to test it (and I prefer 12). I'm still waiting for my feedback from the Guild, but I don't know if they are ever gonna test it :(. Currently I'm working on a V4.

    One of the changes is this dropship (in the making).


    Each Spartan spawns in his own drop pod. Then after 5 seconds one side gets to drop down and after 8 seconds the other three (this adds a cool effect of seeing other Spartans drop and land).


    The drop never fails since you instantly pick up a custom powerup which makes you invulnerable untill you land.

    The other change is an elevator from the mountain base to the bridge. It can only go down, I wanted to make a two way elevator but it was too expensive. You can use it to escape with the core.


    You only have to press the red button and you're on your way to victory!

    And although it's the quickest way to the capture point, it's also the most dangerous! The elevator lands close to the Covenant base. You can also choose for the safe way and go back to your own base with the teleport. Either way you have to get to the middle of the bridge. Which will result in an epic vehicle battle.

    I'm also trying to build a new first base, but I find it pretty hard. Let me know what you think of the new changes!
    #7 Rigest, Nov 26, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2010
  8. pitythefool

    pitythefool Forerunner

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    This map looks awesome man. Would help test but no gold sadly :(
  9. OneDeviantsFate

    OneDeviantsFate Forerunner

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    I will be adding you to my friends list and see if we can't get some testing done with more people. Downloading to play or at least walk through later.
  10. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh great to hear! Can't wait to start testing :) !

    Btw some more screenshots:

    Going down!




    #10 Rigest, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  11. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Honestly...phase one sounds horrible, you make people use the sniper close range, and if an entire team is using Invis, it is VERY hard to find one, In theory it could work, but, Invasion is a Fragile gametype to begin with, it relies on that one guy to push forward and advance the team, so giving people power weapons pushes the balance to extremes and unless they go an equal amount in opposite directions, its unbalanced.
  12. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well it certainly is a risky idea and if it doesn't work after testing I will definitly remove it. I just wanted to try something new and creative :). Surely if it does work it will create a very unique feeling. If it doesn't I will change the first load outs!
  13. OMEGA X

    OMEGA X Forerunner

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    I'm willing to test c: just invite when you're ready.

    GT: iLLiiLLiiLiiL
  14. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Can we has CQB class for teh spartans with active camo? CQB is sneakay. Either way I'd be happy to test it with you
  15. El FlyingCondor

    El FlyingCondor Forerunner

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    I tried it out. The first phase went ok, but when we got to the second phase, no seemed to be able to make it over. We might look it over again, but it just seems like it's one part distance, one part meh-range loadouts and one part Revenants. It seemed a little too overpowering to have two people driving around with them. I mean, they're no Wraiths, but still...
  16. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    i'm going to ignore the first phase, it is a new concept so i won't judge it
    but, the second phase is ridiculous, the humans have seating in vehicles for 16 and they will overpower the elites with a gauss, rocket, and two normal hogs
    finally, and this is just a thought, but can you actually make the vehicles only be in one phase? if not, then then the third phase is ridiculous
    and where are the dmrs and needle rifles?
    #16 seredhras, Dec 17, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
  17. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Finally some feedback from people who actually played it, thanks guys :)!

    In the newest version I tuned down the vehicle count in phase two. There are now two hogs (one rocket and one regular, but maybe I'll change that to two normal hogs) and two gooses. The Covenant now have one revenant and two ghosts. This is something I really have to workout with a few tests. Also I'm thinking of changing the third phase to just one banshee and one falcon, but I just like air battles so much <3.

    I'll add some more regular weapons in the next version, how did you guys feel about the stronger weapons in place? And how did you guys feel about the first phase? Should I change it to a phase with normal weapons?
  18. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Rigest: The vehicles seem to overpower the entire point of the game,you might want to get rid of a warthog or two and get rid of 1 banshee and 1 falcon, and, how much time did u set to capture the territories in each phase?

    Sorry i didnt see ur comment above my laptop was being gay.

    Edited by merge:

    and id be happy to test the new version
    GT: mcneelyman
    #18 Skater, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  19. Marinealver

    Marinealver Forerunner

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    I'd have to agree with Vbdude, there are some weapon/ability combos that are just out of this world, an to start off with those at tier 1 is verry contrivercial. Why not instead of puting cloked snipers as a tier 1 loadout, try setting up a sniper rifle/battle rifle spawns and a couple of active camo(pick ups)spawns in the spartian starting zone as tier 1.

    Besides if all spartians started out with cloaks then there isn't much sneaking as it is expected. but say if only 2 have cloaks then 4 can keep the elites occupied while the 2 cloaks do sneak in. Pluss having limited resources dose cause the spartians to have to think a little more tactically. Do they want cloak snipers acting as the heavy hitters pinning down the elites, or do they want snipers providing long range cover while a infiltration team sneaks in?
  20. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Brilliant idea! Good to see some feedback. I stopped working because I thought that I couldn't find people to play it with, but now I'm motivated to finish it.

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