Title says it all. Were you thoughtful enough to go out and purchase your family gifts, or create them a gift, or did you just not even think about it? If you'd like my answer: Yes I did. I got my Brother the complete Die Hard (tin) box set, my mother Sex and The City movie on Blu Ray and because I ran out of money with the above, I did a vector tracing of my father for him. How about you?
Well to be honest its be a hectic few months so i kinda rushed around, I got my mother a Cd, I got my dad the "Best of stereophonics" CD, my sister a bag, well kind of. She picked it and i payed the £20 for it. So it was pretty simple but the liked it, thats all that mattered.
I got my dad some tracksuit bottoms, well because he needs some new ones and I got my mum a Take That Album because she loves the band. I honestly hope they like the presents =D
well my mom hasant been to the circus for YEARS and loved it when she was a kid so i borrowed some money from a friend (which expects payback) and got her 2 tickets to the ringling brothers circus and were going today
Yes and No. I made a picture collage/montage for my dad in a video...but other than that my other family members found stuff and put on the sticker: To Sibling, From Cole (Me). So really, they got it, but said I got it for them...so I didn't get anyone anything.
yes, mama:hair dryer daddy:tool box ma:house shoes pa:2 boxes of googoo's sister:house shoes cousin:hair curler other cousin:socks(she loves socks) other cousins husband:a cheap playstaition2 game aunt:bobby pins
iTunes for my mom Apple gift card for my dad This for my sister: http://roosterteethstore.com/rt0019.html
That's actually the best present in this entire thread. That's really thoughtful of you to do something like that for your mom, even though that wasn't the best way to pay for it, that I can tell is pretty sincere.
Clowns scare the **** out of me. I bought my mom a pot for straining noodles, my dad a bunch of Blu-Ray movies, and my sis a very large bundle of gift cards.
i bought my mom a yankee candle...the same thing ive gotten her for the past 12 years. i bought my dad stepbrothers, which ive never seen. i watched it though and i'm embarassed i gave him that for christmas. that movie is so horrible.
We (as a family) got my dad (along with the rest of us) a bunch of sweatshirts labeled "Team Bailey" on the back (my sisters dog that my dad loves)... I'm not sure why, it was my sister's idea but he loved them anyway. And for my mom, we got her a new Ipod. Nice.
I got my dad a Samsung BD-P1500 Blu-Ray player My brothers got an Xbox 360 Arcade with Rock Band 2 (software) Me and my bros pitched in for some jewelry (nothing expensive) and we have a framed picture of a letter from each of us to her.
I have a bunch of siblings that are much younger than me so I got them a lot of toys as with as all my cousins. Mom got cookie trays, mixing bowls, a sweater Stepdad got a crockpot Together they got a convection oven/roaster thing that cost way too much lol grandmother got a bathset and cookie trays grandfather got a bookstore giftcard and tim hortins (canada's star bucks) gift card GF got a camera, memory card, picture frame, greys anatomy season1, deathcab tee and burberry perfume.
Mom - a light she wanted Dad - Pieces for his dremel Brother - 200 Pesos (funniest reaction evar!) Sister - starbucks gift card Do people not???
me and my brother got -radio, clemson shirt, and chocolate for my dad -tv and clemson blanket for grandma and grandpa -necklace and clemson shirt for my mom -I got my brother dead space
I got my dad a new set of beer glasses, and I got my mom the waffle maker she's been wanting forever.