You might want to check if the people actually have the pre-order right? Not sure how you'd do that, but I'm sure some person may lie haha. Not asking by the way, don't even have ODST yet
I got mine in an email. You can sell them on ebay BTW, and if your kind not to sell them and still give them away then you should still ask for proof of purchase.
Meh, I got them free, and theyre worth basically nothing on ebay. If someone wants to lie and get another code to try and sell themselves, doesnt really effect me any. They expire in January anyways.
I actually didn't get Johnson but I pre-ordered it. Apparently Bungie/Microsoft didn't send any BlockBusters the Johnson codes for pre-orderers. So I got my Johnson code from a friend of mine.
Theres only two people who actually messaged me properly, so those two got them. Thanks guys. This can get locked now.
Don't worry guy if you really want to be like all the cool guise, I got one cause I could really care less about it.