Nope i created it with duck tape , playdough, and string theory. Does that make me God? :] praise me my gullable minions! muhahahahahaha. lol
The problem with religious debate, is religious people will almost always say, "There is no evidence, you just have to believe." Which is pretty much saying, "We can't prove it, but it's true."
Id say i believe in it I just really dont understand string theory its a hard thing for even smart people to comprehend. lol
String Theory deals with particles being made up of 'strings' and worlds like our space being part of a massive membrane, that occasionally clashes with others causing explosions of such a scale they can create new spaces.
Because the more we actually know the better we can make an assumption to actaully answer the question. Science is our best bet to explain stuff. String theory is a branch of science. So it is actaully in some way or another relitive. The question is a dead end queston anyway. What kind of answers are you looking to get out of this anyway?? The religious members here will say yes, god did create the universe and the non religious members will say no. Science trys to answer some of tese age old questions in a sensible way. Religion answers these same questions with the concept of faith. If you believe in god, then you have faith that it is ture and you have made the correct choice.
String theory is how we think the universe might work and you have to find how something works before you know how it was created in most cases.