Sandbox Diamond Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by geranamo, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. geranamo

    geranamo Ancient
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    *Diamond Arena*
    Map: Diamond Arena
    Gametype (needed): Diamond 1v1

    Hello Forgehub Community! I proudly present my first Competitive Map. This map is a nice simple 1v1 map to really help you get some practice in with your friends, except in this map you can have your own audience, clapping and cheering you on. The arena is a simple concept; rushing for either sniper or overshield at start, strong weapon in the middle, etc...
    For each base there is room for 8 players to spawn in it, 8 being red on one side and 8 being blue on the other. A simple switch has been made to make sure only one person will go through each round, and an elevated viewing box with a shield door will make sure no one is interfering with the game.

    After people played this map I got feedback that it is a good practice map, so that's what it mainly is. Note: this map is for audiences to enjoy watching their friends or enemies have to face each other in a very evenly made map, not the best 1v1 map ever to be ever created ever... Just have fun being able to watch ^_^

    2x BattleRifle / 30sec / 1 spare clip
    2x BruteShot / 60sec / 0 spare clips
    2x Carbine / 30sec / 2 spare clips
    1x Mauler / 30sec / 1 spare clip
    1x SniperRifle / 180sec / 2 spare clips
    1x OverShield / 120sec
    1x Regenerator / 120sec
    1x BubbleShield / 120sec
    8x Fragmentation Grenade / 30sec
    4x Plasma Grenade / 30sec







    Hope you Enjoy!
    #1 geranamo, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  2. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Thats a great idea, I jut wish you had spent more time on the design of the obstacles in the arena. You should have combined pieces to make more complex structures. I also would rather you remove the overshield, the map is too small for that.

    Hes right, its a casual.
    #2 AlexIsCoool, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  3. Mattie 400

    Mattie 400 Ancient
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    i really like the idea. this would be great a great laugh with friends and i will dl as soon as a have space. i like the idea of teams nominating one person to play while the other watch however I'm not sure this should be competetive. forgive me if im wrong but i think this should be a casual game because competetive maps don't tend to have CP's in them.

    If i'm wrong, sorry, but I love the idea and the map. Good work 5/5 :)
  4. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    I think that the whole point of an arena/colosseum type level is for the audience to watch. But there's way too much cover in such a cramped space, the whole thing is flawed. There isn't even a single melee weapon on the map, which by the way make the key entertaining duels for the audience.
  5. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    I think maybe you need to have better observational decks, ones that are out of the 25 meter range of the radar. That's very necessary as well since when my friends and I always 1v1, have someone join a guardian game, and have to kick them because of radar issues. For v2, like the others said, improve the structure design. Any little change can help. Good luck, and I hope you take this into consideration.
    #5 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  6. marshie 333

    marshie 333 Ancient
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    Looks like a pretty good map. It looks well forged, and I like how there are spectators. As people mentioned, that puts it a bit on the border of being a competitive map, but I understand why you posted it here because the actual 1 v 1 itself is competitive.
  7. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
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    cool map but couldn't people be left out because of there annoying friends running into the game before they can and also gollygeeanelite the map im pretty sure is not breakable, but still you should change the cover around a little bit because it looks like you just put some little objects and made them symetrical, this map would be awesome for 1v1 battles and just watching them fight but still it could be better.
  8. sonofnight94

    sonofnight94 Ancient
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    First off, where the hell did you come from? I don't know about geranamo here, but I personally find it offensive for someone who has not contributed anything to a map at all, telling the creator what he/she "needs" in his/her map to make it playable. Secondly, the reason it is two stories is to make it unbreakable. And even if you were able to get out of the map, where the hell would you go?
    Nowhere. Exactly. That's just me, sticking up for the less well known forgers.

    Now on to the map. I, personally, don't like many arena style maps, games are much more fun 4v4 than 1v1 with 6 people watching, however, If I ever had the need for an arena map, I would more than likely take this one. The switch is creative, the forging, clean, and, to the extent of my knowledge, the map is unbreakable. I do agree with Alex in the point that you might want to consider removing the OS, but that is my personal opinion.

    Keep on forging and I hope to see your next project. 4.5/5
  9. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Wow, just wow. I am trying to be helpful. Can't you at least read the description he set up or saw the pics. It looks like you can easily grenade jump out in the first picture, doesn't it? He set up a game variant and didn't give us details about it. Maybe he increased the gravity. I don't know, he's no online to tell us, so I gave a logical solution. Whats wrong with that? I'm not being an ass or riding up and hating on a graduate. We were all once weren't we? Where did I come from, you ask? Well, been here for over a year haven't I? Seen thousands of maps I have! Actually, other pictures tell a different story. I thought the pieces against the wall were a large block tall. It then isn't necessary to build up a ceiling. Hm
    #9 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  10. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    being helpful would have been to suggest to test and make sure that you can't jump out of the map, but you just flat out TOLD him that he MUST do this and that. btw, it doesn't look to me that you can jump out, but does it really matter that much ?

    I don't really like the observation aspect, but it's a good idea. The map actually looks like it would be really fun on 2v2. and your forging looks nice and clean in the pics. I like the columns on the walls. well done.
  11. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Well, being 100 miles from an active inhome internet connection MIGHT just prevent someone from actually testing a map for breaks. Again, if you read my whole post you would see the edit that I made. Check the last couple of sentences. Yes YES, it does matter if a map is breakable. That's like asking whether or not good gameplay is vital to a good map. Shesh.

    Yes, I agree with the clean forging part, but you agreed with me that the observation aspect (needs improvement/ fixing) don't like it...oh.

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