DEVIL'S DEN Devil's Den is an underground based map that takes place on both the innards and exterior of the hill There's a secret door for entering and exiting the hill Just shoot the fusion coils And Presto! A hole just large enough to crawl out of The Interior Exterior Aesthetics Small Perch Power Generator Section 2 (Sealed Off) The Machine Gun Nest Click Here to Download Devil's Den
Wow, this map is amazing. I love the geomerging and interlocking. The only thing is that it looks like there is a lot of open space but the map looks great. The main "den" is cool. How many floores does it have? it looks like 3 which is outstanding sence it is not very tall. Overall great map and a definite download.
There are 3 floors, the bottom is a croucher (you have to crouch), but the top 2 you can walk around no problem.
This map appears very very small on the outside, but the pictures just made it keep going and going and... thats pretty much it... :] but seriously its pretty cool, it seems not very original, but its still one of the best of its kind because theres so many more rooms and passages. I really think you should consider taking out the splazer, its too small of a map for it.. this is acually a well thougt out and appears to be balanced map. very good job ;D
Nice map man.When i looked at it i thought..."oh just another dome map", but its alot different and it looks small but its big on the inside.Nice job you should add a little extra to the outside though
Wow... just wow is all i can say, I haven't seen an underground map in a while. I really like the fact that in the underground you don't have to crouch the whole way through. This is definitively a 5/5 map.
This was created for 2 intentions, 1: aesthetics, 2: it can also be used for slayer, or infection So if you truly like it, please recommend it to be featured, i put a lot of hard work into it, and just hope it will pay off, thanks, Shadows
It seems... condensed. There are nice structures surrounding the map but it appears as though there is one relatively small building and then some scattered structures against the wall. It is very aesthetically pleasing (prolly why its in the section) i just think you could change it to a competitive map with great aesthetics
YUS.... I finally found this map. I saw it once and forgot to comment. I t looks really good. I do not like the door mechanism, maybe a sliding door if possible, that's just me! Now the interior levels look clean and fun. The outside is open, but the skill you have is very great! I would make a map just with the "den". Then make entire new map with some of those outside structures! Good skill, good post! -Irish
Really good map. I love the geomerging, because I can never seem to be able to do it. The main structure is very well made, and I give a 5/5.
This map appears very very small on the outside, but the pictures just made it keep going and going and... thats pretty much it... :] but seriously its pretty cool, it seems not very original, but its still one of the best of its kind because theres so many more rooms and passages. I really think you should consider taking out the splazer, its too small of a map for it.. this is acually a well thougt out and appears to be balanced map
personally i'm not a fan of that method, i only use it when I HAVE TO, otherwise i just stack and delete
This is actually quite interesting. Its like a mini tunnel rats that takes place in a little hill. The hill looks small from the outside but is actually quite big on the inside. I like how you actually made rooms in the hill instead of it just being one huge room like a lot of people would do.
The geo-merging on this map is good and the interlocking is amazing. I love the picture of the outside of the "den". Actually, I think this map could work well in competitive with a few tweaks. Great job.