Devil May Cry Chapter 1 - Road to the Underworld Note - Read only what you feel like, I provide all the information I think would be helpful, so there was a lot, and I organized it into categories so you could just read what you wanted. Story isn't necessary to beat the game, but if you do critique that in a response as well it'd be neat considering I put some time into writing it but don't feel obligated by any means, I wrote it for my maps not to force you to read something you don't want to. Obviously don't click on the walkthrough spoiler if you want to do it without being explicitly told how. One thing I will say outside the spoilers, ONE BLUE TEAM MEMBER, ONE RED TEAM MEMBER. Blue = Vergil, Red = Dante. In addition, if someone wants to watch their friends try it or you want a third mind to help do the puzzle, a person can be on the Green team and witness the puzzle, but remember that you're supposed to do the map with ONLY two people, no more, so if you find a way to do something that requires 3, you're doing it wrong. Introduction Spoiler This was my first attempt at creating a puzzle map, and it also happens to be 2-player co-op. This map is an introduction to what will be a few maps in the series, and therefore it is considerably short (compared to some others) and not incredibly difficult in my opinion. The people I had test this map (although in some cases with some cheating due to holes in the map that are fixed now) were all able to complete it within about an hour and a half. This was, however, with my assistance in giving clues as to what to do next. In addition, they are not puzzle map, nor Halo Reach, experts, making them what I would definitely classify as beginners. Since I have already mentioned them, I’ll explicitly label the names of the people who helped me test this map now: Team 1 – Arc6109, Xv Ravens vX Team 2 – QuiggleyJones, Guzzo666 Team 3 – Bun Ki DSS, The Evil Koala Finally, Devil May Cry fans please don’t be upset with me if I make story mistakes, I’ve never played the games. I play Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 which have Dante and Vergil as characters and have briefly studied the storyline of the franchise. I liked the red vs. blue idea of the two for these co-op puzzle maps, so that’s why I picked it. Note – If you find problems with the map, go ahead and post them here with spoilers so you don’t ruin it for anyone else or just PM me if you can. Thank you if you do so, I tried to fix everything that was a problem (you can figure out if it was actually cheating or not by looking at the walkthrough below). Anyone who is significantly helpful in fixing any bugs just has to give me the gamertags of the two player's who played while doing this testing and I'll add your team to my list. Story - Chapter 1 Spoiler Dante and Vergil boast different paths in their lives. As one serves righteousness and the other pursues power, they have but one common endeavor, the quest to avenge their mother. Both Dante and Vergil have taken a path that mimics their father’s. Despite Sparda’s benevolence upon humankind, Vergil accepts his heritage as a demon and focuses his mind on achieving ultimate power, while Dante accepts his heritage in that he is the son of mankind’s greatest savior. Both sons of Sparda are eternally separated… … but while they are busy fulfilling their destinies, another power seeks to have their fates once more intertwined. Dante and Vergil, though miles apart, share a similar nightmare that leads to a vision of their father welcoming them to come and find him on a remote island that he claims hosts an entrance to the demon dimension. He, in their dreams, claims that Mundus, the one who was the cause of their mother’s death, his wife’s death, is captured there and that Sparda has stopped his plans to invade Earth and put an end to man’s freedom. He says that in order to slay Mundus, an apparently immortal demon, he must use both Dante and Vergil’s swords to slay him at the same moment. Dante awakens in a sweat before immediately jumping from his bed headed to see his once-thought deceased father and avenge his mother. Vergil awakens slowly and unemotionally as he usually does. Reluctantly he brings it upon himself to agree to work with his brother in order to avenge their mother. Neither question the validity of the dream, perhaps out of hope of finally completing what they had always hoped to complete in life, but also perhaps because they have witnessed the unnatural so often that it has become their norm. Whatever the case is, they arrive on the island and meet their father. Dante is unable to hide his emotions, but Vergil is content to get straight to business. Sparda agrees, and the three go straight to where Mundus is being held. Being held by a special bond to a pillar near the middle of the room, Sparda tells Vergil and Dante to strike him at the same time. Vergil and Dante walk up to Mundus, who is on the floor upon his knees. Vergil cares not for the details around him and avoids eye contact with Dante, but Dante takes it upon himself to look around. He finds it odd that he doesn’t seem to remember how he exactly got into the room he was in, and why there were no exits around. The water flows behind him almost silently, separating them from a switch of some sorts. “Pay attention, brother,” Vergil says coldly. Dante snaps back to the scene directly before him. A silent Mundus rests on his knees with his arms tied to the pillar behind him. He does not look up as Dante and Vergil raise their blades. “For all your power, you are weak. Only a coward such as yourself could bring their wrath upon a fragile woman such as my mother,” Vergil says, addressing the captive. “When they write the history in demon-lore of your legend, it will be of one who could not face an opponent beyond his own abilities. It will be of your death at the hands of a truly great warrior, with power beyond your comprehension. This is your legacy, die silently in shame, you deserve no final words.” With that he and Dante rose their blades to Mundus’ chest and moved to strike. In a flash, both Dante and Vergil fell to the ground while red became of the air around them. They had little time to see the grin upon Mundus’ face that had undoubtedly been there since they had witnessed his bowed stature. With their legs drenched in blood, Dante and Vergil struggled to regain their balance, but were unable. They both immediately noticed their halves of the amulet they had been bestowed by their father through their mother were taken by the being who had clearly been pretending to be Sparda. Mundus broke his fake bonds with ease and laughed mercilessly at his would-be adversaries. “Dante and Vergil, I see that my loyal servant has been able to trick you into thinking he was your father, what awful excuses for the spawns of a demon. Face your deaths at the hand of a man who knows power embraces only those who are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve its glory, not that you would know anything of such matters,” he said, directing his attention and gaze to an aggravated Vergil. “Do not underestimate me, you pathetic excuse for a demon,” Vergil refuted. He rose to his feet with the help of his sword. A glimpse of fear arose in Mundus’ eyes as he realized Vergil was not as wounded as he had thought. While preoccupied with Vergil, Dante also managed to gain enough motivation to charge at Mundus from the side. Surely Mundus would die now, for he had no time to react. Unfortunately for Dante, the imposter Sparda did. He attacked Dante with his own sword and in just enough time Dante blocked the attack. The force of the blow, however, knocked Dante into a room adjacent to the one they had been in. Dante was knocked unconscious by the attack. Vergil, who was unaffected by the blows his brother had taken, stood ready to face Mundus. Mundus seemed unwilling to do the same, however. “Let us leave, Proteus,” he said. “I will leave you two here to die lost in this facility. Now that I have taken Sparda’s amulet, I will raise the veil separating our two worlds and shatter the balance this world has acquired,” and with that he and his underling jumped in the water and vanished. Vergil cringed in anger, but knew he could not swim, let alone keep up doing so, in his current state. He could walk, but with the adrenaline of fighting Mundus gone from his body, he was certainly unable to jump. He assumed Dante was in the same state and went to go see what had happened to his younger brother with the realization that he might need his help to escape this place. “Dante, wake up,” Vergil said callously. Dante opened an eye and looked over at Vergil, beginning to realize the extent of his injuries as well. “Are they gone?” he asked from the other room. Vergil nodded his head half-heartedly. “Well, maybe you should have been the one to get knocked out then huh?” Vergil’s face did not change but for a few tiny features that showed his agitation. He looked calmly at Dante however and replied. “Yet I wasn’t the one that got knocked out, brother. They ran like cowards. In any case, I believe that this Proteus must have been telling the truth before when he said there was an entrance to Hell around here, Mundus will be looking to break the seal on his side in order to break through to this world.” Dante’s eyes went wide, but he acknowledged the problem and without another word, they both set off on the path to leaving this place and going back to hell. The road to the Underworld… Pictures Spoiler Blue Spawn Red Spawn Green Spawn Initial Room Walkthrough Spoiler Part I Spoiler In the very beginning you will notice that Dante (red) is trapped in a room with no way out. Technically you are both trapped downstairs, but in any case, Vergil (blue) most definitely has much more room available than Dante. The first thing you are going to want to do, as Vergil, is go over and get the ball, push it up against the ramp by the edge of the water. When you do this, you can walk up the ramp, step onto the ball, and maneuver your way over to the column that has a grenade floating above it. Obtain a grenade or two and get off the ball. Part II Spoiler Next, what you're going to want to do is go to where the wall touches the water on the left side if you were looking at it from the initial spawn. There is a small, hidden pathway here that will lead you to a hole with a gravity lift shooting sideways. Take the grenade or two that you have obtained and throw it at the middle of the gravity lift. This will send the plasma grenade that was sitting outside of the window just out of Dante's reach into the room where Dante can pick it up. Part III Spoiler Dante should now take the grenade and throw it above the one-way shield blocking his ability to destroy the fuel rods in the back of the room. After destroying the fuel rods he should now be able to enter the back room. Part IV Spoiler Vergil should return to the initial room and push the ball through the two-way shield so that Dante can use it in the same way Vergil did to get his grenades. Once Dante has used the ball to maneuver his way into the far back room, he can destroy the landmines inside. This will open up the door that was blocked in Vergil's spawn room. From here, Vergil should walk upstairs and across the room upstairs, ignoring everything in the room, and remove the two grenades (by obtaining them) in the way of the receiver node. Now Dante can walk through the teleporter in his initial spawn and join Vergil upstairs. Part V Spoiler There is a ball behind the receiver node Dante used to get upstairs. Take this ball and bring it out into the main, large room upstairs. Once doing so, bring it over to the opening of the "maze" and quickly put it at the end of the maze before the killzone kills you. Now, both of you need to enter the "maze" from the other side (through the door that is near the same receiver node). One of you should fall into the pit and stand under the ramp so that the other can use them to get across to the platform. The person who was used as the base can either kill themselves using the kill zone to respawn and walk back upstairs or wait for the other to finish what come next and then use them to get out by way of lunging with the sword. The person who is now on the platform with the ball in front of them should now use that ball to go all the way through the "maze" and then maneuver the ball to get into the structure that contains Evade. Grab the custom power up, which allows you to jump, and leave through the exit that is high up in the middle of the structure that you are trapped in. Part VI Spoiler Now, the person with Evade should go through the doorway that can only be went through with the Evade ability (this doorway is opposite of the doorway that leads back downstairs). Once you are through this doorway, go over to the enclosed room with the custom power up in the middle of it. Grab it, go into the back corner where the grenade spawns, jump up, and throw the grenade through the holes in the tunnel in front of you. The other player should be waiting because when the player with Evade has successfully blown up the landmine on the other side, an assault rifle will fall to the other player. Part VII Spoiler Now that you have the assault rifle you should be able to beat the game pretty easily. Take either of the two balls on the map and bring them to the starting room. Shoot one of them across the water and guide it into the man-cannon that puts it in place for the player with Evade to land on it. The player with Evade should use the jump power-up or the two-way shields to gain access to the hole in the back of the non-custom-power up room. Fall onto the ball and use it, without falling into the killzone, to get to the ledge that is right outside the room. After doing this, maneuver yourself to the ledge and walk past it. Walk to the flag, pick it up (if you are not close enough to the "button" on the 1 x 1 block you won't win, and you can't move so you have to drop it and pick it up again so that you're right there). You win, congrats, and prepare to wait for the release of Chapter 2 (which is done and mostly tested, just working out a couple bugs). Thanks for playing!
this map looks intreasting it looks clean but also looks challenging i had a look at the first part in the walkthrough section to get a feel of it and it seems like it could be somthing good for when my freind and i have a co-op puzzle frenzie in the next couple of days this puzzle has my download
Thanks, don't feel too much from the pictures like it's aesthetically the best, I won't contend that on any level. My newer puzzle maps are most definitely better when it comes to how clean it looks. It's not that the map is ugly or anything or horribly designed, it's just a few things like one-way and two-way shields are sticking out of some walls that you can see. It was annoying, but I couldn't see a full way around it and figured the gameplay was more important in a puzzle anyway. Like I said, not ugly, but definitely not the prettiest.
Wow! A Devil May Cry puzzle map? I think I must've been dreaming. I was a big fan of Devil May Cry siece I was eight years old. You didn't get the story wrong. The whole story is absolutly true. Anyway I liked the idea of a puzzle map based on a game and also liked that you have to go back to the initial room to get something there. Must download for me. Great Job of making my day better. - EpICx ReMiX XD
No problem, lol. Thanks for the compliments, although I think when my newer DMC maps come out you'll like those a lot better. This was my first ever puzzle map, so it's kind of easy (and slightly repetitive), but my friends liked it even if they got a bit frustrated. Anyway, thanks for letting me know on the story. I was trying to tie it in with the map, tie it in with what the actual story is like, but also bring some originality to it, so it's great to hear that I got at least one part right xD. Hope you enjoy, thanks for the compliments and comment, PM me or spoiler it if you've got some suggestions for future puzzle maps by me or anything, I'd love to hear them from a DMC fan for sure.