look, i know it is like exacted, but it plays differently. the differences outweigh the similarities, i mean sure, a curved platform and a building were in exacted as well, but there was a reason furious released an exacted build version, and it was so we can make our own changes to the map. i even asked for his permission (which i got) to use it. and BTW the building was created from scratch by me, it's on a different angle and everything, as for having a central hole, that was being done in maps before even exacted so i see no problem in using it. as for it being like Kentucky tango and tumbleweed, i think he made that connection because of the randomness of the map. and cato, please try a game before criticizing it, the gameplay is muych better than you expect. Dom, it's in the first paragraph:
this is great man love the interlocking, hmm, can Ivory get a second featured map? who knows some cool things is saw were the tripple tunnel, and the big curve, all of the buildings/structures are great though
The Review Hub Review Map Name: Deviation Author: Iv0rY Snak3 Reviewed By: Orangeremi Enjoyment: 8/10 This is one of my favorite maps. Even though Exacted came first, I prefer this over it. Although it is newer. There is actually some gameplay difference from Exacted, which I love, and 1 Flag is just the best. And I really love how the flag isn't stolen until there is less then 30 seconds left, and it gets captured. For some reason, that was always the case. Balance: 9/10 There's almost always this to counter that, or that to counter this. But one thing that I did notice was that the Defenders spawn by two incendiary grenades, and the attackers don't have anything really to counter that. I did notice only one on the attackers side, and there might be a second, but I'm not sure. And the attackers have the regen and sniper, which seems like a ruthless combo, although the defenders can get to the sniper first. Also, there are some walls that don't spawn at start, which I don't know if it is purposeful or not, but it makes it possible for the attackers to control the three power weapons, when the defenders only have a chance at two. Durability: 10/10 I had found nothing in this map that was exploited at all. Nobody did this more than that, everything was perfectly even. One spot was no better than another. Aesthetics: 10/10 Oh My Fucking Gawd. Half the time I was playing this map I died because I was busy admiring anything I could see. Even a wall that wasn't even interlocked! The res of the map coaxed me into looking at it. One of the most beautiful maps I've seen in a while. Originality: 7/10 Only the second time it's been done, the first by Furious D, and as you said, it used his Exacted canvas, and has some of it's features. Besides those features you created yourself were completely original (Besides the tower.) Unfortunately, this is you lowest scoring point, only because it isn't all something new. Overall score (Average of the above): 9/10 Beautiful. I love it. Much similar gameplay to Exacted, but still different enough to be sort of unique.
looks pretty good, some creative ideas used and i think the interlocking and merging look great. Cant wait to play it!
9/10?!?! that's like the highest score we've given since the furious review reviewed @different level! to be compared to that is an honor. thanks to everyone who's downloaded and commented, i appreciate it.
Lol you weren't in our TGIF party. Took me thirty seconds to grab the flag and score with it right at the start of my teams attacking round. To be fair though I don't think Snake knew that I was using his beta build to practice. Also, the Walls have been fixed, they spawn now.
**** you Ivory for continually besting me in the ways of the Forge. Otherwise, this map is perfect. Excellent merging, interlocking and creativity. Too bad my connection dropped out two minutes into testing though, otherwise I would have comments on the gameplay as well. BTW Wii, the randomness is what makes the map awesomez0rz.
sorry, haven't posted yet, i have been working on me own project :-D anyways, this looks beautiful, like 10 different excellent pieces all thrown into one map, kinda looks like it could be one epic one-flag map, i hope ya get featured and getz de maroonage! whether or not u do, keep up the forging man, u have some skilllllllz
hmm....you think if we all say feature enough times...the mods will feature? nahhhh.... *cough*feature*cough*
This is a pretty fun map to play on. Looks pretty too. There is only a couple things I think could be improved/changed. When you spawn on the defenders side in the corner where the Carbine Spawns it's sometimes awkward to "climb out". One other thing is the defenders main base with the huge fence wall, I think the walls on either side should be shorter, and not stretch all the way to the edge or the floor. Other than that it's pretty fun to play on =]
Wow looks like a really fun arena. great job.! But i have one question..... How do u get that one double box to sit under the ground ? xD sorry for it.
This is a beautiful map. Great merging, amazing interlocking. I just wish you turned those double boxes upside down. It would've looked so much cleaner. Other than that, amazing map. Downloading...
well in that case.... featurefeaturefeaturefeaturefeaturefeaturefeaturefeaturefeaturefeaturefeature i fell better now... and rey, the crossed stairs were a new idea, whether you like them or not is your opinion. i probably won't use them again, and i doubt anyone else will either. and i ran out of all kinds of walls except for double walls, so i had no other options for the side walls. as for putting things in the ground: Geo Merging Tutorial
The only problem I have with the crossed stairs is they are a bit small, the only thing I think you should do to them is to pull them out a little bit further so it's easier to get on them =]