Detour, new asset map!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by winendine69, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    Hey by now Id think many people know about the gametype asset and the map pack coming out for it which contains many great maps including one of my own Premise, but incase you dont know what im talking about heres the link to the map pack preview and much more information: ""

    *Anyways no this is not part of the map pack this is going to be a standalone map that i will release seperatly its nowheres near finished but i just wanted to give a little preview of what it looks like and list some ideas that i had to add to it and see what you guys had to think so any ideas that you have please let me know. My idea for this map is a Subway crash. If you'd like to learn a little bit more about the story that i have going for this map it will be listed after the pictures so you can have a little bit more of an understanding of what im going for here but enough with the typing here are the pictures:

    Crashed cart 1

    Crashed cart 2

    Crashed cart 3

    Exit of subway carts that has been destroyed

    Overview so far

    Overview 2

    Thats all the pictures that i have for now,but for those of you who wanted to read a little bit of the story and some of the ideas i have this is it for those of you who dont want to then please give me some ideas of yours or maybe how it looks so far anyways to the story:

    The story isnt anything major but at least something, basically you and your team are trying to get virgil away from the covenent like always but in this case my idea is you spawn in an elevator and grav lifts shoot you up and at first there is no crash it looks like a normal subway station but as you go up the elevator via gravlifts explosions occur the top of the elevator caves in a red light comes on and you fall to the bottom of the elevator and there is the subway crash now. What happens is that the covenent planted a bomb one of the subway carts and it exploded just as you were going up the elevator ( very convinent for you i know) and now you must wait for evac (the hornet to spawn) till you can escape but what i thought to do to make this more interesting is to place the destination point right above the elevator so it makes it look like you going up the elevator to win but then it gets destroyed due to the explosion as you read before. So thats all i really have as of right now so please if you could once agian just let me know what you think and list any ideas that you might have. Thank you =] ~I6ExplodinCars
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Hopefully this map goes as well as you hope it to... it's looking epic in game. I can't even begin to imagine what the finished version will look like!

    We can implement the new drop hornet system into this if you want :D

    The one thing I just thought about is the one tunnel that has an opening... it might turn to a too good of a camping spot.
    #2 Rifte, Nov 8, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2009
  3. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    I dont think it would be too good of a camping spot becuase think about it, its so small and confined that someone with a fuel rod gun or a brute chieftan, heck even a brute shot could dominate anyone who is camping in there.
  4. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    i cannot wait to see the finished version of this. it is looking and sound epic aleady and what you hope to make it into sounds amazing the elevator idea was great i hope it all goes accoarding to plans. The one train cart in the wall will look like a grea tplace to camp at first but then as you said a cheiftan or fuel rod would come in nd get everyone in there or even a firebomb thrown in would just dominate so this map should turn out pretty balanced
  5. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    yup it should be balenced but thats what we have testing for lol and as we all know my other map coming out soon ive had to change a few things but hey it plays great know but im not talking anymore bout that map till it comes out anyways i probably wont be on till much later today so i wont get a whole lot of it done today im hoping to finish this by at least the 15th, ive got more done than what the pics show know so ill prolly update this tomorrow hopefully but if u think of anything else to make this idea better please go for it!!!

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