MLG Destruction *Creatively named, I know right* MLG Destruction is a symmetrical MLG map set in the basement level of Sandbox, The Crypt. The map plays well and has been thoroughly thought over and redone many times. Its middle structure was spawned of my own mind but the bases had some heavy inspiration from The Pit, not entirely the same but very similar. Despite massive amounts of planning and some on the go forging too, I do not see this as the final version at all. Everything on the map is smooth to walk on you will not find yourself being launched by small little bumps for the most part. The gametypes it is setup for so far are Slayer and CTF. I recommend Onslaught CTF but I think Pit CTF would work well too. Recommended/Supported Gametypes MLG Team Slayer v6 MLG Onslaught Flag v6 MLG Pit Flag v6 Weapons List 1 x Sniper Rifle : 150 seconds, Drop Spawn 1 x Mauler : 150 seconds, Drop Spawn 8 x Battle Rifles : 10 seconds, Normal Spawn 4 x Covenant Carbines : 90 seconds, Normal Spawn 4 x Frag Grenades : 30 seconds, Normal Spawn 4 x Plasma Grenades : 30 seconds, Normal Spawn 1 x Custom Power Up : 120 seconds, Normal Spawn Pictures: Map Overview 1 Map Overview 2 (The Floating Items Are Deleted) Carbine Tower Red Spawn Hive (Symmetrical/Same on both sides) Bottom Red Base Top Blue Base (Flag Spawns on the Flat Block) Overview of Sniper Spawn & Red Tower Custom Power Up & Mid Plat(form) Final Notes ~Like I said earlier I don't plan on this being the final version of the map. ~In all the pictures the Carbines, BRs, and Grenades had not yet been placed ~If you would like to play a custom on it then send me a message or FR And Of Course... DOWNLOAD MAP "MLG Destruction" MLG GAMETYPES
I know that I will be flamed and infracted for double posting but I find it so frustrating that my map is not being commented on. Despite the large amounts of time I put into planning, forging and creating this post even, my map has been completely ignored. I find very unjust that a map that looks like it has been thrown together in two hours would gain more attention that mine; just because people feel the need to tell them the map needs to better without reason or to mindlessly tell them they need to embed pictures in their post. While I on the other hand, have carefully planned and forged this map, offered a clean and grammatically correct map post. At least give me the justification by telling me it sucks or anything, don't just leave me tearing my brains out because I can't get feedback on the map.
Uhh it's not gramatically correct, you spelled bottome (bottom) wrong. LOL. Your weapon spawns are wrong, custom powerups should be 180 seconds and grenades should be 10 seconds. You need to interlock way more. Don't girl if ppl don't leave feedback on your map it's annoying
You are one of the biggest douches on forgehub that i know! S**t! This is definitely not the first time i've seen you put the exact same thing as a review. You always put how it needs more interlocking. YOU DON"T NEED TO INTERLOCK ON EVERY SINGLE PIECE! And all you ever do is write stupid stuff just so that you can get your post count higher! God! its not that big of a deal if your not a heroic member and stuff... Now on to the map. It looks GREAT! i can tell that you have spent your time on this map and one of my favorite parts is the blue base with the angled blocks. You merged plenty enough to make a smooth playing map that has great gameplay. That kid doesn't know anything... Also, I think that the center could use some scenery or something to block some of the straight across view so that it would limit spawn killing. Overall-4/5
Thank you for the kind and helpful response SKP, I am definitely not through with this map so you can expect to see a V2 with some well thought out changes. And Icedogd44, your comment made me bring my face in the vicinity of my palm. One, I corrected the oh so carelessly spelled Bottom and two, this is a link to the official spawn times in MLG straight from MLG themselves. Weapon and Power-Up Respawn Times | Major League Gaming
This looks like a pretty good MLG map though I am not a fan of MLG just because of the setting for it... If you need help testing you V2 I'll be glad too help.
The problem with one sniper on a symmetrical map (I'm just assuming this is symmetrical from the pictures, I have not played it) is that once one team gets it, they can hold control of the whole map. Assume a pro team like Str8 pushes for the sniper with someone like Snipedown in the back, Snipedown grabs the sniper, and they retreat back to the base. What can the opponent do? Now, on asymmetric maps, you generally have a chance (like in Guardian, there are 3 different routes to S3, not including the practically impossible S1 to S3 jump, or any slide jumps). This is why symmetric maps have tended to include 2 snipers. If you're worried about the opponent running over and grabbing the other one, that's part of the game. MLG is supposed to promote teamwork, and managing to use one sniper to acquire the other one all the way across the map is using about as much teamwork as you can get, especially if both teams are skilled. My second gripe from the pictures is where the custom is at. In MLG, the custom is supposed to be out in the middle of the area (not necessarily the middle of the map) and right in the middle of both sides so that a) it's an even fight between both teams to get it first and b) so that if an opponent is about to grab it, you can put a shot on him and make him burn the custom. In this case, it looks to me as though it's on one team's side and too covered, though that could just be the picture. I'm sorry for not being able to test the map, I'm at 100 custom items at the moment...if I do get a chance, I will play a couple rounds and try it out.
There is also s2 to s3 but s1 to s3 is not nearly as impossible as you think. read one tutorial try it like 5 times and you should get it almost down. It is quite easy. but he has a good point. and you may want to take his advise.
i tryed this map out with my friends it plays great but there are a few bumps in there it wasn't any trouble i spotted them
good map overall. what i dont understand is that you interlock sometimes and sometimes not. maybe you can do a version 2 with all interlocked object. you can use the same layout because the layout is very good.
Hi and thank you to all who have replied, I will try and answer as many of your questions and suggestions as I can. Firstly, Insane54 I understand where you are coming from on the symmetrical sniper situation. I never thought of it that way, pretty much the sniper is there because my friend suggested it and I ran with it. I'll definitely revise the sniper(s) location in my newer versions. As for CPU, it sits in the seemingly lowest point of the map and that area can be viewed from nearly everywhere, allowing a player to look and have a chance of getting a shot on someone rushing CPU. Another reason that it is there is because due to the relatively small size of the crypt, I placed it as far away as possible from snipe without having to put it up high. Winster I know and recognize your problem with the bumps, they annoy me to no end partly because its my map. In the newer version I am going to replace all of the walls for floors in the base with stone bridges, which have a naturally flat orientation unlike walls. So some Z-rotation issues will be fixed. F2P, the reason I chose not to interlock everything is because at the time while some things had been planned to a T, other areas had not been constructed in my mind yet. Therefore some structures came into play as a sort on the fly but purposeful geometry and thus the improvised areas received not the same attention as the pre-planned. Again, newer version equals more interlocks, more different geometry and a whole lot more cowbell. Again thanks for all the comments and sorry for how long I took to get back to you. ~Billy Reloaded