
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by mELLIT, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. mELLIT

    mELLIT Ancient
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    Created by mELLIT

    Gametypes Supported: Slayer, Oddball, Territories, KOTH
    Recommended Players: 2-6

    Download Destiny Here

    Destiny is my first and final map post here at ForgeHub. It is my best map by far, utilizing lots of interlocking, a bit of Geomerging where necessary. This map was also budget glitched. Destiny took me 2 months of working on and off, I don't know the exact number of hours, but it was definately 30+.

    Destiny is a small, inclosed, symmetrically balanced (although not perfectly symmetrical) map the uses the width of foundry. The key feature of this map is the two completely enclosed floors of the map, which makes it feel like you are fighting inside a large building. The second floor is 5x3 double walls (plus some birdges on the end) and the lower floor is a bit larger. All the walls are high enough that they cannot be escaped from with normal gravity (to my knowledge). Destiny also utilizes an unusual weapon set with no battle rifles and a flamethrower as a power weapon. I suggest team slayer and slayer for this map.

    Complete Weapon List:

    2x Covenant Carbine
    2x SMG
    2x Spiker
    2x Mauler
    1x Plasma Rifle
    1x Needler
    1x Flamethrower
    1x Plasma Pistol
    1x Magnum


    1x Regenorator
    8x Frag Grenade (I can't remember if it's 8 or 6)
    8x Plasma Grenade
    (I can't remember if it's 8 or 6)






    Download Destiny Here
    #1 mELLIT, Dec 13, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2008
  2. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    the map looks nice but i dont under stand the lay out. ill download it because it looks fun.

    "ill be back"

    Ok so i like the map it's fun and all, but...
    i think the weapon set up it a bit like mgl.
    But on the other hand the dont all fit the requirments.

    Things i...

    - the so unusual wapon, choice.
    - the unusual Map style and area
    - the game play

    - The weapon set up. (placements)
    - the useless Windows (sheilds/fences)
    - the spawn point placements
  3. halo3rockstar

    halo3rockstar Ancient
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    looks pretty good from what i can tell, the geomearging looks clean and this looks like it wold be fun to play on. I give this map a 5/5 because it is so darn ausome. The only thing is that you may want to take off the flamethrower because sometimes i can be a big problem.

    ill download and report if i find anything that can be inproved.
  4. xLMSxTRiLoGY

    xLMSxTRiLoGY Ancient
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    Looks Nice, From what i can see i mean i should DL and have a better look at the map sad you wont post here anymore you could get some good criticism on your maps, but for the map i find the bridge interlocked with the doors a cool idea, i don't believe seeing that before. i find it original, the interlocking and geo-merging are really nice the layout to the map confuses me how bout an overview from above? 4/5
  5. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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  6. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    wow thats all i have to say you no what i barley ever see a bad map on forge hub
  7. halo3rockstar

    halo3rockstar Ancient
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    i played and it all is very smooth and is overall a great map keep on forging
  8. mELLIT

    mELLIT Ancient
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    Sorry about the lack of views of the map, the first floor is too low to see much, the first picture has the best view, and I can't really do an overview or the upper floor because everything is almost up to the height limit, and you can't see over most of the stuff. Maybe I'll try to make a quick sketch in paint.
  9. mELLIT

    mELLIT Ancient
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    Ok, I got some sketches up, they're not to scale and some stuff may be slightly out of place, but it is accurate otherwise.
  10. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    - The design is amazing, truly unique.
    - Nice job on interlocking.
    - Sufficient cover.

    - No BR's? :(
    - Two Maulers???

    Try to make a v2. Still good though.
  11. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    The forging is superb. Thats 5/5. But the design and chosen weapon are 1/5. The weapons are placed well. Two maulers? No BR? Since theirs no regular weapons all of them seem whack. So overall 3/5. Fix the weapons and it would be better
  12. mELLIT

    mELLIT Ancient
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    So... you guys seem to have mixed feelings on the map. I am personally happy with the weapon set, I felt like Carbines are a good replacement for BR's and if you really want to, you could just play BR starts. Also, the maulers are low respawn and no spare clips, and can easily be beaten with a suicide stick or the flamethrower. The rest of the weapons give dual wielding options (other than the needler, which is very useful in the tight walkways), something that is not done enough.
  13. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I player some FFA Slayer and I'm back with a review.

    Layout - 7/10
    The two separated platforms kill the flow of the map. The fact there isn't a single drop down point means that Free For All slayer doesn't do well at all. I played this with two other people, but I think it would be more suited for three versus three, maybe even four versus four.

    Aesthetics - 8/10

    Not too many aesthectic touches. The way you set up the pillars is enough for me, but I feel like there could've been something more.

    Weapons - 9/10
    I like most of the weapon set you used for this map. Personally I feel as if the Carbine is a nice alternative to the over used Battle Rifle. I don't like the Flamethrower as the main weapon, it's just too slow to be effective. I think maybe it could be replaced with a Rocket Launcher, or Sniper Rifle. I'd go with the Rockets, but that's just my opinion.

    Equipment - 7/10
    I think you could've used more Equipment on this map. The regenerator doesn't seem to be enough of an upper hand in battles. I think maybe a little more could be done in the way of Equipment in order to have better gameplay.

    Gameplay - 8/10
    I've only played 3 way FFA Slayer, but the match was very slow paced. The separate levels destroyed any momentum that had been building. I personally think that a few drop down areas would help this map out a lot.

    Overall - 78%

    Good map, but the way the second level was setup really lost you points. I see a lot of potential in this map. Make some changes, release a Version Two and I think you'll get much better reception.


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