Destiny Soundtrack(s)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SpartanPeter, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    There have been a few..
    But there is one that stands out, you really need to hear it.
    (I don't know why it actually says Destiny, its made by someone else I believe. But whatever, just enjoy this one)

    Destiny OST - ''A Legend Will Rise'' - YouTube

    And here is another.

    Destiny OST - ''Be Brave'' | ViDoc Trailer Music - YouTube

    I will probally just make a universal thread later, to let you hear all the soundtracks I have found, and add those wich will be posted by you guys.

    I just wanted to let you hear the first one, tell me what you think.
    This right here, is a official sample I believe, made by Marty, Paul and Michael. I am so glad to have them doing this.

    Destiny OST - "Eighth" | Sample - YouTube

    And the very last one, the one in the ViDoc.

    Destiny OST - ''Brave New World'' | Sample - YouTube

    Hope you enjoy them all. Especially the first one, its pretty amazing.
    #1 SpartanPeter, Mar 21, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2013

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