Download:Here Gametypes: Territories(Conquest). Weapons: 2x Beam rifle(120 sec) 4x PR 4x Magnum 2x Spiker 2x Carbine 4x Frag(20 sec) 2x Stickys(30 sec) Custom Powerup(120 sec) Description: This is a map ONLY for Conquest, though if people ask I will update with more. It only uses the bottom of Construct and(Hopefully) is inescapable. It uses advanced tele placement and the save and quit method. The layout is simple; You start from mauler spawn(Territory 1), then move to the ramp that leads up(2), you then head to gold lift(Middle), opposite gold lift is the custom power up(In between purple lifts), it is the same for the other side. Pics should help: Title pic: Territory 1: Territory 2: Center: Custom powerup: OmG h4X!!!oen!: Thats about it. Tell me if I need a v2.
wow a construct map havent seen one of those in a while back on point i like your map and i am going to download but only to find out if it is inescapeable.
I like that you did this on the old maps. I was actually thinking of doing this myself one time. 5/5 for sure! AWWW! not first post!
I thought this was gonna be that map I saw you working on a while ago. but I'm surprised, a Forged map on COnstruct. I enjoy most of the maps aimed for conquest, but not all of them. Anyway looks like it is blocked off well. I cant dl it right now, no free slots but I'll try and report back.
Looks kind of like default construct. I will try it anyways... Edit: Alright. I'm just checking. I'm gonna try to break out and I will report if I can. I probably won't be able knowing tha you are a seaoned forger but then again consturct is anvery penetrable map.
Hahahahaha! U kidding right? You're locked inside the tunnel part! v2! v2! v2! v2! v2! The map is great but I want a v2. v2! v2! v2...
Seems like territory 1 would be easier to defend as it is right by some battery cells and territory 2 is not...will DL and check it out..keep on forgin!!!
To people who want a v2, what do you want in it? I just realised that the spawning would not work with other gametypes.
OOOOooo. nice a construct map. very nice... theres notmuch to work with in the non dlcs but you did a very good job. keep it up. My maps: Battery. shipwreck (shark map) - http://www. forgehub. com/forum/showthread. php?t=10426 Bomb faculty - http://www. forgehub. com/forum/showthread. php?p=156467&posted=1#post156467 more coming soon.