How'd you make that water? Is it a filter in CS3? I only have elements 4. O and the water needs to reflect the light more since i put a sky with a sun in it.
Ah the wonders of Paint.NET my friend! And as for the sky and the sun, we'll leave that for the next person who mods this pic.
RAWR.... Took out: Clouds Flood Made a Small Pond in bottom right corner Made it Darker / Night Time Yes this is an Edit of Draxfears
Yea, thats it, lol cuz getting the light "back" on the mountains would look like that... Yes, his counts and no one else can say anything about it
guys seriously stop you can have all these discussions in PM's profile messages, etc etc I'm getting insane to delete all the spam posts in this thread...tyvm and Blivion, STOP SPAMMING!!!