Pre-DLC Desert Survival - Convoi

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Forge Titan, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. Forge Titan

    Forge Titan Ancient
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    Created by Cheater profile

    Supported Gametypes:
    Desert Survival

    Map Description
    "Start a Convoy. Get to Voi. Survive."

    Convoi is an infection map on sandtrap. You start out near one elephant(the other glitched and disappeared, but it was for the better, because now there's not that blank elephant like on most maps like this) loaded up with BRs, Shotguns, Snipers, SMGs, 1 rocket launcher, a missile pod, and a splaser. You have about 15 seconds before the Alpha gets there. The vehicles include 1 Gauss Hog, 4 regular ones, 2 Mongi, and the elephant itself. The zombies have a decent amount of damage resistance(200%) to stress the fact that you should stay in the vehicles if you want to stay alive. The zombies spawn in the middle section between the two structures. There are numerous supply bases scattered around, but I won't tell you what they contain lest you gain an advantage over the people you play it with.

    A typical Game

    The Alpha spawns in one of 6 start points. He heads toward the human spawns, and picks off several stragglers. More and more become infected. One Warthog dares to cut through the middle, not realizing that the respawns put zombies near the Structure Supply Base, and the middle, and respawn areas prevent spawn camping the spots. The dumbass in the Hog is quickly dispatched. Now all that's left is a person who took a ghost from the phantom, one hell of a Warthog crew, and a mongoose with a hell of a noscoper. The mongoose is the first to go, then the ghost, then the gunner on the hog, and the driver is finally killed. A guy is found camping in the elephant, and tries to use the shotgun, but is quickly destroyed. Round over.

    The Backstory

    November 2566

    "Soldiers, we have received news of a downed phantom in a desert area. We have no idea how or why, only that they were sent to investigate a possible infection." The commander said.

    "Flood, ma'am?" One private questioned.

    "No. To be honest, we know nothing of this new threat..."

    This unsettled several of the Marines on hand. The higher ups, the all knowing officers, didn't know a thing? Impossible... but true.


    "MA'AM YES MA'AM!" The dozen or so Marines being sent on the mission barked in unison.

    "Then move out marines. Takeoff in five."

    On the Albatross

    "Sir... something weird is going down... our systems are all failing, comms are static..." The copilot said.

    "I know! I'm the one trying to control it!"

    "Echo 16! This is command! Is something wrong?"


    "Echo 16! Bug out of there, now!"

    "Negat(static)comm(static)we're(static)goin(static)down!(message ends in more static. This is the last message they will ever send or receive.)"

    At the crash site

    "Ughh..." A corporal muttered as he came to. He observed his surroundings. The Albatross was wedged into a mound of sand, the cargo bay popped open. Both pilots were KIA, as well as a seargeant and a PFC. The mongoose was thrown almost outside, the turrets fallen into the bay off the mounts. He watched as the others began to come to... or stay down. God help them, but he had a feeling they were the lucky ones...


    Over the course of the next few weeks, the survivors set up small bases, but were overrun by this... infection. Those that tried to leave found themselves either destroyed by mines or starved to death.

    10 Years Later

    A commandeered UNSC Frigate lies in orbit overhead. A group of galactic refugees are sent down with vehicles and supplies from the ship. The instant they touch down, they realize something isn't quite right...

    Map overview.


    SB: Supply Base
    HS: Human Spawn
    ZS: Zombie Spawn

    Overview of the Human Spawn

    The downed Phantom Supply Base

    Crashed Albatross Supply Base


    Close up of Human Spawn

    Sand Dune Supply Base

    Structure Supply Base


    Zombie Spawn Overview- You can get through the barricades on the side, it simply acts as a warning sign.

    Thanks to oABMKo for tips, and all the people on my friends list for putting up with my pleas to test it on them(I told you it would be awesome, didn't I?)

    Please leave constructive feedback!

    Gametype Info

    Zombies have 200% damage resistance(the equivalent of having shields, so they can take 5 seconds of chaingun fire or one gauss hit), so more than enough time to get to cover/ spawn friends and rape the campers. They have infinite ammo, 300 speed, 75 gravity, no weapon pick up, gravity hammers, and energy swords.

    Humans have everything default.

    Download Convoi
    Download Desert Survival
    #1 Forge Titan, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2009
  2. kyletheok

    kyletheok Ancient
    Senior Member

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    just a suggestion from looking at your map, but i would:
    A.) put more zombie spawns all through the middle, or
    B.) put some zombie spawns inside the ruins

    this is just cuz i could see all the humans camping at the spawns and spawn killing... but as i said, i haven't tried it... yet, i'll try to see if it's a problem... until then, this is kyle signing out.
  3. Forge Titan

    Forge Titan Ancient
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    Most are directly in the middle. I know what you mean, but from my games, although they are in the open, they are spread out, and due to the zombie's strength, any campers are quickly dispatched.
  4. mikecincifan22

    mikecincifan22 Ancient
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    Just one thing that i would fix on this map wouldn't it make sense that the zombies spawn out of the crashed phantom??? idk that just seems like it work best with the story that you are trying to tell
  5. Chaos Blitz777

    Chaos Blitz777 Ancient
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    mhmm i see wat he means but hey still a awsome mmap

    i read the whole story line and its pretty impressive
    makes me wanna play it now too
  6. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Well it looks like you need quite some stradegy to survive, which is why i pretty much understand the name... I really think things could look alot neater since i would really make this big emtpy map looks alot nicer...
  7. Forge Titan

    Forge Titan Ancient
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    No, if you read closely, it says they disappeared investigating a possible infection; the zombies were already there and "camping", for lack of a better word.
  8. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    um.. Idk if its just me but i think your sand dune supply base pic and the structure supply base are the exact same pic. Maybe its just me but anyways Im glad you branched out and tried something a little different from just Foundry and Sandbox.
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Just one quick question... what's a convoi? Is it supposed to be convoy?

    Like someone else brought up, couldn't all the humans potentially just drive the elephant and all vehicles to the ends of the middle section and fire all turrets at the zombies... essentially raping them all? You have the main MG turret plus one MG turret on the elephant, 4 warthog MG turrets, 1 warthog gauss turret... all with unlimited ammo, plus whatever the other humans are carrying to take potshots at zombies. 200% health will not last that long against firepower like that.

    You may want to provide the details of the gametype so everyone will get a better understanding of this. As I see it, it's really no better than most other drive or die games in which you can just spawn rape the zombies.
  10. kyletheok

    kyletheok Ancient
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    basically as i said, he should put spawns inside the ruins.

    what he could do is put the spawns in the air over the middle area too... that would make it dangerous for any campers cuz they might be killed from above. you should post more about the game mode like if zombies have shields, cuz if they dont, it will be almost as easy to kill them as it is to kill a normal person.
  11. Forge Titan

    Forge Titan Ancient
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    It is called convoi because you try to get to Voi(though you really are just driving in circles). No, not Voi, Africa, the Voi on the planet you are on.

    And no, the zombies spawn directly in the middle(too far away to be accurate with anything but the snipe/br, or next to the structure supply base.

    Added map description and "A Typical Game" to show how spawn killing is not an issue.

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