ALL NEW FORGED SANBOX AREA!ok, i know its sloppyish but seriously, you dont even notice while you play it and its hard to build out of the map. and ummmm....i guess all i have to say is that its a good map should download it maybe, if you have the time, or you don't have to, but i think you should cause its a good mapdangles. p.s the core of the sun likes rockets.BTW this is my first post if i did it wrong i am sorry. Download to halo!! <=====UPDATED!!!! [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] enjoy
it looks very sloppy, but in this case, i still like it. the location for the map is good and i like the cliffside base. i just think it would have been better if you made the middle walkway flat. Otherwise it's a reasonable map
Yeah, this looks extremely sloppy, but in a good way. Only downside is it looks escapable. But its soooo nice to see someone using these areas of sandbox, rather than the flat, blocky areas . The walls are so slanted and funky, and it's all different angles than 90 degrees. You know im going to download this just because its fresh.
This is that one of a kind sloppy that works. Definately a dl. my only problems have already been stated so i wont beat the dead horse. 4/5
Super sloppy like the others have stated. It is hard to forge outside the map but if you try to geomerge using the wiggle technique or whatever it is called u can actually make very neat buildings. Just look at Erebus Beta by CC Pybus or my map The Crater. Because u took it in another direction I give u props. But otherwise, very messy. 1.5/5
wow this is sloppy, in a good way! It's a weird idea and a funky design that I like. Different from every other map I've seen. Although, you might be able to get out by doing a grenade jump.
I truly believe this has potential to be an amazing map. The problem is the cleanliness. I think you could've used better techniques to clear up the rough edges of the map. I like what you were striving for, but as it has been stated several times before me, it's just too sloppy. The layout, on the other hand, looks really good. I like your planning, if you did any that is. 3/5-for the idea 1/5-for execution
Do you know how to geomerge? If you geomerged all of the objects you have out here and cleaned up some of the stuff, the map could be very nice. I really like the idea of building out there and this map could turn into something very nice if you geomerge everything so that the floors are flat.
ok i updated the map for the people who thought they could escape it. if you do escape it now you will die so this and other small changes have been made.
too sloppy for me. on some parts like the walkway, it works. but, you need to merge a lot of that into the cliff and then I will DL. Make a v2 for this version 2/5. srry
"too sloppy for me. on some parts like the walkway, it works. but, you need to merge a lot of that into the cliff and then I will DL. Make a v2 for this version 2/5. srry" ok who the **** cares if i merged it into the cliff or not. and who cares that there are a few bumps cause for the most part this is a really good map map and dumbshits like RebelCow an ZombieCow that rate it bad without even playing can **** off cause bottomline its a fun map so you never even notice sloppy parts while you play it but they wouldnt know cause they give bad reviews without even playing on the map.
Learn how to take some constructive criticism. I do agree with RebelCow and ZombieCow... this map would be a whole lot better if you merged a lot of things into the sand. If you took your time and put some considerable effort into this map, it would probably turn out extremely nice. You don't need to get all pissed off. Here is one guide to geomerging that I found very helpful. Most of the things only apply to Foundry, but the first technique should be able to help you. Here is another guide to geomerging that you may also find helpful as it describes some more difficult geomerging techniques. And in all honesty, no one wants to play on a sloppy looking map. Bumps can cause major gameplay issues and slanted walkways can distort everything and make it more difficult to play.
Very original position. I have been waiting for someone to try something like this for a while but with more GeoMerging to make it smoother. Hopefully this will inspire people to start trying these things.
Haha, this map is so sloppy it's actually quite a redeeming quality. Like the use of the hilly terrain, and the whole set up feels unique (probably because of the sloppiness) So ugly it's beautiful, man. Downloaded.
The map are to litle , ad new stuff and change your weapon list because the weapons dont match with the map . 3.5/5