Sandbox Desert Storm

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Presipope, May 17, 2009.

  1. Presipope

    Presipope Ancient
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    Updated!!! Monday May 18th
    More Screenshots, Explanation
    Hello everyone this is my first map I will be posting to ForgeHub so if I do anything wrong or the map looks like crap, be gentle lol. Anyways down to the juicy stuff.
    Sniper Riflex4
    Rocket Launcherx5
    Spartan Laserx3
    Fuel Rodx3
    Machine Gun Turretx2
    Missle Podx1
    Bubble Shieldx3
    Active Camox1
    This is the underground base. There is a maze set up to get to the flag. Players spawn on top of the maze. Portals lead to middle level. Also the image that looks like I'm just pointing into a corner is where the flag is located.
    Changed formatting. Got lots of helpful feedback. Also, since the helpful feedback freed up some budget, I was able to put decent set up in the middle.

    This is the middle level of the map. After some balancing issues and budget issues I think I got the middle level right, or at least better for anybody who has followed this map. The base that is grounded leads to the underground maze. The mario platforming base goes up, meaning it leads to the sky base.
    This is the sky level base. Pretty straight forward on how to get there. Just make a jump with the mongoose. All the teleporters take you to a random teleporter in the sky base"middle level". Hopefully you can see where the flag is located.

    Thanks for checking out the map. I made this before I knew about merging, interlocking, and all of that. So it may not look "pro" but I think it will be fun. I would highly recommend playing with as many players possible because of the size of the map. Any suggestions for future projects would be greatly appreciated. Also this is a CTF created map, hopefully that clears up the "What is the point of this" question. Thanks a lot.
    P.S. Having some troubles with editing the page, sorry if it is lengthy to look at.
    #1 Presipope, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  2. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
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    This look very complicated, im not really sure whats going on, but i think the vehicles are unballanced since scorpian > wraith
  3. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    First off, Welcome to forgehub! I like the idea of having three seperate levels to a map, but i don't think that you hit the nail on the head with this one. I'll start with the basics, where do all the teleporters lead, and where exactly is everything on this map? You should put in a weapons list to tell people what exactly is on the map itself. I'm kinda confused on what the whole point of the upper and lower structures are for. I also am wondering what the whole point of the hornets is for because they can't go down below, and there really isn't much to do up top. I also don't understand the killballs, but thats just me. Also, the bases could use some work.

    Overall 2.5/5...keep forging
  4. Presipope

    Presipope Ancient
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    I can see where you can get the complicated from. Sorry for making my post of the map so undescriptive. On the middle level you see there are two sides. One side, where the solid building structure is, leads down to the underground base. Here you go through the maze to get to the flag. Also on the middle level you see there are multiple blocks going up until you reach one massive platform. The portal is to go the sky base. From there you spawn at the far side and make your way towards the flag. Hopefully that cleared something up.
    Also if I am not mistaken I put a couple spartan lasers and rockets on the side of the wraiths to try and balance out the scorpion>wraith issue. Did this help?
  5. Presipope

    Presipope Ancient
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    Thanks a bunch. I kind of explained the teleporters and such above. The two bases or "structures" are where the flags are. Also just started looking around and saw that everyone has weapon lists and everything like that. Something I will definitely do my next time around. Again, thanks for the constructive criticism. My next map I will try and make everything clear and straight forward.
  6. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    One big tip: Never organize things by human vs covenant. My first map was like this and I got wrecked by the community. I think you need to add some more screenshots before people get too interested. I don't see enough to tell me to download this. What I see looks good, but I'm not convinced because there are not enough screenshots. Also, I am not a fan of 4 tank vehicles. I'd say 2 scorpions or 2 wraiths or maybe even just 1. But do not mix, unless you stick with 4. I'll keep checking on this to see if you add screenshots and to check reviews by other people. Then I'll DL.
    #6 nealsaviking, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  7. Presipope

    Presipope Ancient
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    Once again this community is very helpful. I will add more screen shots just for you. =P
  8. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    So as I understand this, one team has a flag on top and one team at the bottom? I like that concept, but like someone else said, I think the vehicles on the middle level should be one on each side rather than two on one side and two on the other. That way you know it's fair. This will be a great thing for big parties. Keep forging dude, because you can make some good maps eventually.

    Note:this also shows what people can do without interlocking or geomerging. I typically use interlocking, but on sandbox, geomerging is too hard and I can't even figure it out...
  9. Presipope

    Presipope Ancient
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    I now see what everyone means by the tanks. What I am going to do is take out both wraiths and then move one scorpion over to the other side. Does that sound good? Or should I put one wraith and one scorpion on both sides?
    #9 Presipope, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  10. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Hmm...I would like to keep one scorpion and one wraith, but it probably wouldn't matter immensely... Then again, if you took out the wraiths, there would be one flying machine and one two ground machine on each side instead of 3 ground machines, so maybe I would remove the wraiths. But I would also consider taking out the scorpions instead of the wraiths, but they both have advantages and disadvantages. I think you should check out what other people after me say.
  11. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Update: well it looks all right, but I don't like what you did to the middle level. Sorry. Maybe my memory is failing me and that's what you had before, but I don't like the cover there now. I do, however, like the vehicle setup, but now it's just not that great.
  12. Presipope

    Presipope Ancient
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    I did change the cover and that's to bad that you didn't like it. Before I had just randomly strewn some blocks around. What do you suggest I do to the middle. Can't really think of an interesting cover scheme with the budget I have left on the map.
  13. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    I like the new screenshots. I think I will DL AFTER you fix one problem--
    the Hornets are pointless on the upper level since the battle will be on the lower level. The Hornets can't fly through the death barrier.

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