Hey, Stix227 again. This is actually the first D.N. map in the series of 5 (D.N.A. was the 5th) Now that i kind of got this posting thing down i'll be getting the rest of them up here. Enjoy, rate, comment, you know all that good stuff. Starting room: (consistent with D.N.) [/URL] "Pin-point Prescision" jumping: [/URL] Cool lil' radio tower falling thingy: [/URL] Well there it is. Desert Ninja: Nosebleed. First out of Five epic ninja maps. Enjoy, MAP DOWNLOAD: D.N. Nosebleed GAMETYPE DOWNLOAD: Desert Ninja
Hmm... I see you have made a jumping made, but from what i have seen i honestly cant think much of the map... You showed what? 3 things... I would show me screenshots and explain it more so that i get a deeper understanding.