Desert Glory

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Commander Knox, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. Commander Knox

    Commander Knox Ancient
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    This map comes with a game.
    The Map is a remake of Socom 2's Desert Glory (That i am quite proud of)
    The Game is Called Hostage Extract. (One Bomb)

    The Idea is the hostages are trying to escape and if they can get their bomb to stay armed for 30Seconds the navy seals will come to rescue them.(The Hostages win) but not if the terrorist have anything to say about that. the Hostages all spawn in the hostage building the terrorist spawn at diffrent bases on the map. the terrorist must hold off the hostages for 7minutes intill the seals fall into the trap that the terrorist have planted for them .(terrorist win)

    Desert Glory

    The Extraction point

    A Balcony from the middle building that aims right at the hostage room

    The upstairs exit

    The Secret cave

    Trying to escape

    a Blown up building

    The Garage

    Diffrent View

    The Middle Building

    Another Diffrent View : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing <-<- MAPDOWNLOAD : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing <-<- GAME DOWNLOAD
    #1 Commander Knox, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  2. swiftarget1983

    swiftarget1983 Ancient
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    Heh, looks like everybody is rating thier own threads now-a-days. Anyways, this map looks pretty fun to play on, I will download it tomorrow, 5:30 in the morning here now and I dont wana go on Halo. Some spots look open, if you could make a V2, it could be improved a bit.
  3. Commander Knox

    Commander Knox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    once you download it and play with a few people i have a feeling your going to like it more
  4. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this seems like a nice and neat map! not very sloppy. needs more cover though so....

    i give it a 4/5
  5. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good. 4/5
  6. Commander Knox

    Commander Knox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    its based off of dester glory from socom 2 so adding more random cover would take the socom feel away from it. i love this map im actually quite supprised it didnt get a beter review. but oh well, you cant win them all.
    i can see we dont have verry many socom fans here at forge hub.

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