The Giant is rising. Face the might of the **** Zombies in their heartland. This is where it all began. This is where the master plan took shape. Is this where it all ends? Welcome to Der Riese, I'm sure many of you have walked its hallways many times before. This is obviously a remake of the **** Zombie map Der Riese, forged by me with much help from Mista Grinch787 who does not have a Forge Hub account. The map is simple enough, if you've played Der Riese, than you should know your way around this map as soon as you jump in. All gun spawns are identical and perk-a-colas have been replaced by armor abilities. Unfortunately due to a lack of resources there is no Animal Testing wing although we were very upset about this theres no way it could have been done with out taking from the rest of the map. One other important note, again, due to lack of resources, we have one power weapon in place of each mystery box location. Lastly head to one of the teleporters to get a hold of the pack-a-punch power up. It increases your damage by 200%, lasts for 90 seconds and will respawn 90 seconds after it wears off, DON'T WASTE THE PACK-A-PUNCH Now, on to some screenshots The Mainframe. You spawn here, try not to die here. A better look at the surrounding area, get out of here fast, this is where the zombies spawn. The generator room, a classic zombies camping spot, this room will take you everywhere you need to go. Teleporter 1, get here fast and grab the Pack-A-Punch, the catwalk here is invaluable Thompson(Needler) spawn, the furnace is here too, Get to teleporter 2 and Jug(Armor Lock) from here Teleporter 2, grab the Pack-A-Punch and get out, this is most likely a death trap. The Giant, this is the space you have to work with, use it well and survive at all costs. There are a lot of weapons, use them all wisely. The DMR is the tool of the trade. No one lives forever. Note on the game type: The custom game type you MUST download to play this map properly was lovingly crafted by Grinch and is designed for smaller parties. When you download it I recommend shifting the zombie to surviver ratio accordingly, its no fun with 15 survivors and one zombie. Note: This game lasts until the zombies win, no one's ever left The Giant.
doesnt resemble der reise much at all, but at least you made the whole map fit to the budget. the mainframe would need work if i were to DL or maybe you can work with Dr. Killmore and me on the remake that we're doing. my Gamertag is the same as my forgehub name
I don't know if you read the entire post or not but we didn't fit the map to the budget, there isn't an animal testing wing, also i'm not sure if you've seen the layout for Der Riese but this map is laid out almost exactly the same with one small mistake that we made with out noticing, all the zombie spawns are there as are the weapons spawns and the map is laid out exactly like Der Riese I don't know where you don't see it but this map is very similar to the original