Der Riese - Call of Duty World at War's 4th **** Zombie map.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Speed-e-cake, Aug 3, 2009.


Does this look like it will be different from the other **** Zombies map's playstyle?

Poll closed Aug 6, 2009.
  1. Yes, it looks nothing like the others.

  2. To early to tell, I'll have to play it first.

  3. No, looks same old, same old.

  1. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    The M1 Carbine and Colt in the pack-a-punch machine makes me laugh. Carbine goes full auto and the Colt becomes a grenade launcher. Bowie knife is sick until you get to round 16. Then it's pointless.

    The multiplayer maps blow. Bad.

    I think Treyarch isn't done with CoD5 just yet. I think there's something more coming.
  2. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    Another thing that may be useful to new people is that to get to the power 1) Face towards Pack a Punch machine. 2) Open door to your right. 3) Open door on your right (The close one). 4) Open stairs at opposite end of the room. 5) Go straight and jump down at the ledge. 6) Turn left and turn on power (It's free).

    Random weapon box is also there.

    Behind the huge door behind the power is the bowie knife and the first teleport pad.

    Teleporters all lead to the area where you spawn.

    Teleporters are activated by one person pressing X while in the teleporter and on person pressing X while on the pad by spawn.

    Should have power on by round 3.

    Shouldn't open large door behind power until 7-8.

    A good place to hold off is the far corner of the catwalk above the teleporter by the power.

    Do not upgrade the Kar... It's sooooo bad.

    Best PaP upgrades are for Colt45 (Semi-Auto Grenade Launcher), Browning, MG42, Ray Gun, Wonder Waffle, PPSH41.

    Monkey bombs act as L4D pipe bombs and are found in Random Weapon Box. They take the Molotov spot but don't replenish each round. Need Max Ammo to get more.

    DO NOT SPLIT UP!!! This is not like the other maps... If you split up you will die.

    If you do not have an upgraded gun by round 12 get one... Fast.

    Zombies can climb... Spawn area isn't good to hold.

    The Perks are in set places... Not random like in Shi No Numa.

    You don't lose the Bowie knife when you die. One hit kill till around Round 22.

    Bowie Knife is a one hit kill on dogs no matter what round.

    Well... Hope those tips help someone.
    #22 Lord Terrax XII, Aug 7, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2009

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    One thing I also noticed (At least for me) is too never play with random people. Especially people that sound like little kids. Last time I did that I actually wanted to see if I could 'surrender' myself to the zombies. So, next time I'm just going to have to wait to play with some friends before I play.
  4. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    That how you got to only round 8 commander. Ha! Also this maps easter eggs are really ****ed up. Im currently in the process of finding if the rumors of a ufo are true. The evidence is very strong.
  5. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    I need all of them. 800x3=2400.
  6. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    Map pack 1 is ****... I wouldn't get it. Congrats now you need 1600 so go get a 20$ card and get online.
  7. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    the new zombie map isn't bad. i still like shi no numa better though. i got all of the achievements except acquire waffle weapons. once i get that i don't think i'll play it again. the multiplayer maps in mp3 are AWESOME!!!
  8. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I've changed my mind on the zombie map.. I guess I just had a bad first few games...(now that I think, they were a bit laggy.)
  9. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Map pack 1 is most certainly not ****. I regret buying MP2, more so than MP1. Shi No Numa and Banzai were the only good things I got, compared to Verruckt, Knee Deep, and Nightfire. Verruckt is difficult, if you use a poor strategy, like most camping ones. You got to keep moving, as a team, like how Left 4 Dead plays.

    I haven't played Der Riese yet, but I've been told by a good friend a few strategies and recommendations. He told me the "Buy upgraded ammo" is buying ammo for a already upgraded weapon, and that the Trench guns upgraded counterpart, the Gut Buster I believe, is awesome. He didn't tell me exactly how it changed, though. Anyone know?
  10. ScarFac3d

    ScarFac3d Ancient
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    Bigger clip, longer range, more damage, etc.
  11. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Once all teleporters are linked to the spawn pad, I believe the Pack a Punch machine unlocks, for 5k you can upgrade your weapon.

    While playing Der Riese I found this scratched onto a wall: "Embrace the trinity and true power will be yours"
    I believe this is means get the "Trinity" (2 Teleporters + 1 teleport pad) linked and true power (pack-a-punch machine) will be yours.

    Also, if you want to survive, you want an automatic weapon, the wunderwaffle, an upgraded weapon or a trench gun.
    Also for those that don't know, the monkey bomb is a toy monkey that keeps clapping making a noise, the zombies head towards it and eventually it blows up hopefully killing the zombies.
    #31 Dreaddraco2, Aug 8, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2009
  12. Frito Bandito 7

    Frito Bandito 7 Ancient
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    eh a trinity is three so its talking about the three teleporters and did u find the fly trap yet? if so i can tell you
  13. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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  14. GameVenator

    GameVenator Ancient
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    i sold cod 5 and i really want to try out the new zombie maps! i Never wold of thought they would of realised so many map packs in a small amount of time.
  15. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    They want your money!!!

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