Ok, after reading what many of you have said, i made some changes. Now it is much less empty in some places. i also tweaked the weapons a bit to make it more even. For those of you that didn't read the first post, the two teams spawn on either side of the chrome tunnel and the action begins right away. The chrome tunnel is usually the center of attention for battle. Above the chrome tunnel on both sides is two tunnels; one has camo, one has rockets. There is one sniper tower with very little cover, seeing as how I hate campers. The Crashsite has a drivable hog positioned on the fence walls to make it look like there was a crash. both sides are very open with decent cover. This also makes for a good game of Territories. Every mergable item on Depot has been(not the mancannons) Weapon list: (normal weapons only, other versions just customized to the gametypes specifications) Assault Rifle x 2 Battle Rifle x 7 Shotgun x 1 Sniper Rifle x 2 Smg x 2 Spiker x 1 Rocket Launcher x 1 Covenant Carbine x 3 Bubble Shield x 1 Deployably Cover x 1 Regenerator x 1 Overshield x 1 Pics: Depot is good for territories and slayer. if you want to, download the MLG Version. if not, here is the Normal Version
Looks really good...4.5/5 and a DL. I like the Geo-merging and the Interlocking alot. Its nice that there is a weapon list as well (I like lists).
looks better, from what i can tell, try making the pics bigger as mentioned above ty for the weps list and better description i aslo saw the bridges were flipped, nice but i cant tell anything else cuzpics are tiny EDIT:::::: looks much better now gratz. only probs i still see are some unfliiped bridges and the wall interlocked into the dub box at chrome tunnel looks like it makes a bump which might make it annoying to go through that side
Tada, big pics (at least big enough to see EDIT: I know. and if you mean the bridges on the sides of the main tunnel building thingy, i know. i did that on purpose.
ywa, i love the v2.... i'm so glad you kept the chrome tunnel! 5/5 and i'll see if i can dl. good job!!! p.s. i especially like the geo-interlocking and that walkway.
Thanks man, that's like the best reply all day. and on all the versions, the chrome tunnel will stay.
This is a really good looking map. I'll give it a 3/5 in ascetics, 4/5 gameplay wise, and a 4/5 for originality. Overall, 4.5/5. Nice job.
Very neat and nice map! i like the tunnel where the red team flag is. Love the CTF style of the map! 5/5
Looks fun for territories/conquest.The Interlocking is neat.(But,theres maybe a bump or two here & there)4/5, keep forging!
believe it or not, it IS NOT a capture the flag map. in v 3 i will make it for all gametypes. but til then, slayer and CTF only!!! Either way, glad you guys like it.
pretty soon i'll be making a v 3 from scratch. it will be good for all gametypes and it will feature all of foundry, not just the square factory part.
wow really good idea and nice flag spawn not sure if slayer wud be as fun as ctf tho but u shud build up around the outside but very original and well built =]