Do you like minigames? Do you like choppers? Do you like ninja shenanigans? Do you like carnage and mayhem? If not, you may wish to stop reading. If that sounds good to you, continue to read as I explain my latest minigame. Overview pictures: The concept is simple: Bad guys AKA "zombies" or "demolition workers", spawn in a box and are held there for twenty seconds. (I don't know, maybe they're on their lunch break). Once they are released, they must get in the choppers AKA "wrecking balls" and the one honour rule that must be obeyed is that the zombies must stay in their choppers. Now, kill, little wrecking balls. There are two zombies: Zombies have a 0% damage modifier, meaning they can only kill via splatters. Zombies have full vehicle use. Zombies must kill. If you happen to be a poor little human, I'm afraid those flimsy looking structures built out of movable objects are your only defence, coupled with a strong pair of legs. Humans: Survive by using your ninja powers until the time runs out. Don't try and kill the zombies, you also do 0% damage. Before you get to look at all those screenshots, allow me to recap: 2 zombies start in boxes, 20 seconds later, they are released, they get in their choppers and splatter everyone. All other players are humans, who must run around trying not to get splattered as their structures fall to the ground around them. Screenshot time! It's a wall: Oh my it's a... Erm...Structure: You're doing it wrong: Your shipment of fail has arrived: The bridge of pointlessness: Action shots: Get ready, guys: Zombie coming out: Iz mai fort: Now you know why it's called Demolition: Stability fail: Boom: Okay, now the most interesting thing about this map, is the fact that the scenery is dynamic. Remember those tranquil overview pics? Almost looked cute, huh? Well... Look what happens: DOWNLOAD MAP DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE Credits: This map uses a modified grifball court. The creator of that court says he doesn't mind people using it to make non grifball based games. Here is a link to his map: : Halo 3 File Details Here is his post I am talking about: WafflyNumber, Dave The Rave52 and Trio Enzyme were all very helpful in making this map. I would like them to have their due credit here.
FIRST! I'm so glad you kept my shipment of fail and my fail forklifts in Dthen, there's only one problems with the map, and that is that somehow, I managed to go throught the same teleporter as the other zombie once when I was infected, I don't know if you watched the clip i sent you. But anyway, I think other than that the gameplay works well, and its works well since the layout of the map is forever changing.
OMG! this a a grate map! i love how you only used movable items to make it to, it is actualy quite nice of a map i got a cool idea to make a building from this map and where you could brake the wall down if you wanted to and just tair the map apart. any way this is a grate map i dont have a working 360 but ill download for sure! 5/5 From What I Can See. Edit could i also take a picture or two from this map and post it in my architecture forum? i love the 3 wire sppols and i also love the box spool box set up have a weapon holder on top of that and it would be sweet.
Oh I do like this idea. I like it alot. Props for only using destructible structures as the gameplay parts of your map. I totally see where you where going with this and I gotta say it's genius. Your map is very originol, very hectic, very unesscapable so very fun. Amazing job.
Hey Dthen, I found your map finally and just wanna say this has to be my favourite minigame. I love the way that the gameplay is based on jumping, jumping is fun. Those before/after pictures work so well, the map doesn't look anything near similar. There is only one problem, there is no epic picture of me getting gobbled up by a chopper.
This looks really fun. I like the concept, and the map suits it extremely well. I really like how devastated the map looks after the zombies get down demolishing the structures. Finally, someone takes a Grifball court and uses it for something fun... =p Send me an invite the next time you get a game going on it and need another? Plz plz plz plz?
this looks like a pretty good map and a really good minigame for this map ill download and see how the gameplay is.