
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by reaper3bot0, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    Demise A halo 4 map.

    Demise is a non symetrical map inspired by some of my old quake 1 levels, each area consist of different environments and now features some breakable floors and shield doors.
    Weapons on the map are located in high conflict zones, the sniper rifle being the hardest to acquire without jet packs.
    The following ordancne drops are on the map most on long timers 70 seconds + while Grenades are set at 60 seconds.

    rocket launcher
    needler x2
    battle rifle
    sticky detonator
    Gravity hammer
    pulse grenades quantity x2
    frag grenades quantity x8



    With the addition of destructible floors and shield doors it provides a new experience for every halo fan.

    Game types: Slayer, KOTH, Extraction, Oddball, Swat Flood

    Different spawns for flood

    Heres a preview video Walk through.

    Demise a halo 4 map walkthrough - YouTube

    As you can see from the video in the south two drop rooms there is a gravity hammer and sticky detonator with 2 jump points out of the drop rooms. The destructible floors respawn every 10 seconds and can be easily broken.

    The map is tagged on the fileshare system as reaper3bot0 or bloodiest or demise or slayer


    #1 reaper3bot0, Dec 19, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2012
  2. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I loved quake maps and was thinking about making a quake (more so unreal tournament actually) map with a unreal gametype. The game type would take away armor traits/abilities and loadouts, increase movement speed, make gravity stronger, take away shields and increase player health. I would have everyone start with an assault rifle and feature power weapons that resemble weapons from the classic arena shooters.

    Main Weapon Pick-Ups
    Light Rifle = Shock Rifle
    Scattershot = Flak Cannon
    SAW = Minigun

    Power Weapons
    Incineration Cannon = Redeemer
    Binary Rifle
  3. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    hum you can increase health as well. didn't think about that. I should also check if you can modify damages only for some particular weapons.
  4. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I wish you could but don't think you can. That and the magazine such and fire rate would be cool to adjust as well.
  5. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    well quake 1 and quakeworld was more my thing then quake 3
    The ingenuity in the mods and addons was phenomenal like the bungie cord graphling hook. But my most favorite weapons being the grenade launcher and rocket launcher not made me happier then a good rocket jump.

    What I miss thou from a design stand point is actually carving your own level being limited like this in halo forge sucks. Plus in quake 1 you could make such phenominal rooms and area's use doors that actually opened and closed use water, and lava... it was such a great game engine I don't know why these games took so many steps backwards.
    #5 reaper3bot0, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  6. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    it's not really that newer games took steps backwards, it's that they are dumbing down the interface for a console and for a wider range of level editors.

    I too miss negative space editing and at least being able to control the shapes of your walls with greater ease.

    But for a console, I really like what we have here. It could use a lot more flexibility but...

    (oh, and I think that grappling hook idea came from a mod in Jedi Knight called "SPORK". Not sure which came first, though)

    Old school games rock
  7. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    well, modelling a map in Hammer isn't really more difficult than thinking out of the box in far cry for example. it could even be easier. but of course you don't have prefabs, so that might scare the noobs who don't want to build their own structures.

    Build for Duke Nukem looked quite amazing, although confusing to use with only 2 different views.

    I wonder why no editor based on prefabs ever has a truncate funtion? often, it's just a small part of a prefab we need. seriously, only noobs ever use prefabs the way they are meant to be used lol.
  8. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I think I get what youi're saying about the pre-fabs. I've often wanted to just cut-off half of a corridor or something, just to use it's floor etc.

    it's too bad that phasing often causings z-fighting for this reason. If we could make on "on top" that would cure it. TO avoid confusion, I am not talking about precision editing and slightly bumping one piece beyond the other. I mean like in graphics apps where you can layer items on top of each other. the "Send to back" function comes to mind. Two objects could occupy the same space, for instance, but the editor could choose which one gets prioritized over the other(s).

    You can build an interface to use a console which doesn't get as "dumb" as the one we have in FOrge, BUT I really do like the ability to switch back and forth to player mode while editing to see how things look etc.

    So yea there are still definitely things about forge that make me want to look at getting into editing another, more flexible game.
  9. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    Jedi knight was not out in 1996 I am talking about the real FPS the original developer ID software.

    Anyways back to the subject at hand I did a update to Demise
    the big center structure that houses the lights now houses a sniper area with 2 lift ladders on either side. Also made it slightly easier to get to the old spot where the sniper use to be.
    So that you can ambush people in that room.

    Completely outta blocks bridges and wall pieces.

    Enjoy the update and comment on the map..
    #9 reaper3bot0, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2012
  10. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I like it. and I spotted a small problem. going up a lift, there is a bridge to a small indoor room. you actually get stuck when trying to enter because the step is too big. but it's not visible, I actually noticed that when trying to put spawn points on that specific part of a coliseum wall, they would float a few centimeter above the ground.

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