Legendary DLC Delusion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by xMBMAxPureEvil, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    Click on picture for download link

    Delusion is a medium sizes competitive map on Ghost Town. It is built in the front section of Ghost town and has amazing game play on a 5v5 Team slayer game, although it can support up to 16 players. The Spawns are spread out so that not one weapon dominates the entire map. The spawns make game play drastically much better from other ghost town maps. When you play on this map there are enough features that it makes ghost town into a completely different map. During the game you won't even remember your playing on ghost town. The hallway in the map gives a close quarters game play while the rest of the map different kinds of game play so nothing gets repetitive.

    Creators: xMBMAxPureEvil, SykoP4th
    Thanks to: Nathon Green, GxM Shadow, All testers, and Pirates
    Video: Desolate Penguin

    Coming Soon!

    Last summer me, syko, and pirates were making ghost town maps. I started a map with pirates now known as marooned. I ended up getting grounded for a month and let him finish the map, I really wasn't able to do anything but give like one or two ideas so yea. After that me and syko decided to make a map using the part of ghost town he did not. We stopped progress on the map because school started. He was not on very often and we he was he was playing skate. While that was going on, I decided to finish the map. Now he is lending his xbox to his friend because he owes him 80$ or something. The End.

    All Game types work with 16 people.
    Team Slayer: 8-10 People
    Slayer: 5-8 people
    CTF: Multiflag 8-12 People
    Assault: 8-12 People
    KOTH: 5-10 People
    Territories: Land Grab 8-12 People

    Defending Base
    Overhang Near Defending base
    Tree House and Defending base picture
    Ghost Spawn
    Rocket Spawn
    Attacking Base
    Turret in Attacking base
    Hallway overhang
    Shotgun Spawn
    An overview of camo
    Want to see this map featured?
    Click this link!
    That's the map, and to end this thread
    Hope you enjoyed, Please DL, Rate, and comment in that order
    Thank y
  2. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this map is quite something! amazing geomerging and layout!
    looks very playable and fun! i'm sure it wud make for a great game in 5v5 or something around there. 5/5!
  3. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Le first *shot*
    Or not. Damn you lemons.

    I liek it, it's well merged, just looking at the screenshots you can see that. I especially liek the aesthetic touchs the stairs bring.
  4. katanamark

    katanamark Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks ok. my que is full though. 4.5/5 for ghost town... nice merge with the dirt. i like the bridges the way they curve. is there a man cannon that shoots you up though? i would ut something for it. good job with the geo merging
  5. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    if you look at the other pictures you can see the platform so you can get to the turret, just so I don't need to use an extra man cannon for the curved bridges to get up there.
  6. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have to say this looks great! Nice layout, nice geomerging, and I can't wait to get some space on my hard drive.

    I give this map a 5/5
  7. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this was really nice, very glad to test it.

    In fact the only thing I didn't like was the spawns, specifically in the beginning.
    I only had a couple of bad spawns in game, but on a map that size, with that many people it's bound to happen.
    Also, the ability for the team that starts by the rockets to get both snipers relatively easily is not good. I would recommend changing the placing of the tree sniper due to it's proximity to the receiver node.

    Ohh, and how did you get the Sender Node to not show the teleporter part, and only the green??

    All and all, very nice job, everything worked and looked spectacular.

  8. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Ghost Town

    Looks great! I was waiting for this map to come out after seeing the testing thread. This is in the exact opposite section from a map I just finished on Ghost Town. I honestly haven't seen a map on GT block off this specific area. The tree house looks good and I can tell you spent some serious time geomerging those watchtower bases. I'll check it out later today.
  9. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thank you, someone finally appreciates the watchtower bases that are merged in the hallway, but yes it took some serious time. It was hard to fit into the small room, then merging it was even harder because its so tall.
  10. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This map is extremely unique. In the 'Overhang Near Defending base' pic, it would be much better if you would remove 1 fusion coil and leave one to make combat more fun. Also, try to fix your spawns. Put them in places where they will not be shot at right away.

    I guess those are my only complaints. The rest of the map really caught my eye. You have done a very nice job on this, I cannot wait for version two.

  11. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    no no after testing I fixed up the spawns so they work fine now. They are set up so you'll spawn a good distance away from each other. Since I can't remember if you tested or not, if you didn't play a game on it first and then comment on spawns.
  12. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    You really don't see many ghost town maps, and you really nailed the forging on this one. Only geomerging and interlocking where neccassary, and very nice looking bases to top it off, this map is going to stay on my hard-drive for a while.

    Overall, nice job.
  13. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    I don't see how you'll make a map above ghost town, to be honest I'm really interested to see it if you do. Very interested. I know how to get out of ghost town but that's about it, the map would be a little difficult to make. It could be done but why on ghot town, why not avalanche or something?
  14. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    Ok a good ghost town map yay its been awhile, i love how you did the catwalks and added quite a few different ramps and moves gameplay to different areas of the map. Some straight up team slayer was fun with 5v5 got intense, all together really good map, one of my favorite ghost town maps, one of the better ones Ive seen.
  15. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    Testing this map was great, I had a blast, and I lol'd at the story of me you&syko, but you didn't mention Pirates not having an xbox for three months lol.
  16. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thank you Paulie for commenting. Also pirates the story is true, but you r just to lazy to get your xbox fixed
  17. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, this map is sick. I think you may have just opened my mind to maps other than Foundry. Some of the ideas you had on this map are great. Like the geomerged boards in the Shotgun room, I never would have thought of that. This is definitly worth a download but I wish you would give us a full weapon list with respawn rates and spare clip amounts. That would give us a better idea of what kind of battles would take place here. Some times I wont even DL without a weapons list but for this, I will make an exception.
  18. ScarFac3d

    ScarFac3d Ancient
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    The layout looks amazing. I haven't had the oppurtunity to play on the map yet, but I am sure that can be arranged, but as for now 5/5.
  19. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    Calm down lol. This one definetly beats Marooned by alot, but wait until I finish some of the Ghost Town maps I'm working on
  20. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    very nice map. there isnt a lot of maps on ghost town and its very nice. the forging is very nice and it makes a nice map. its almost a new map. good job

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