Overview(Top view of map) Blue Tower(Sniper is at top & shotgun is behind glass window in front of tower) Red Tower(Sniper is at top & shotgun is behind glass window in front of tower) Red Tele Platform(Teleporter leads to dish from there yellow bridge) Red Structure(1st Dmr is here for red team) Blue Tele Platform(Teleporter leads to dish from there yellow bridge) Blue Structure(1st Dmr is here for blue team) Yellow Top Mid Bridge(Rockets are here) Red Tele Exit(Concussion Rifle Behind when you exit tele same on blue side) Red Hideout(Turret is here as well as 2nd Dmr and the lift to red dish same on blue side) Red base(Starting spawns and objective location same for blue team) This is a symmetrical map with static spawns. Here is the list of weapons. Dmrx4 Nrx2 Plasma pistolx2 Plasma repeaterx2 Needlerx2 Snipex2 Rocketsx1 Concussion riflex2 Fragsx4 Plasmasx2 Turretsx2 Shotgunx2 Others: Health packsx6 I spent quite some time on this map and I am open to suggestions I hope you like it.
I don't feel it needs anymore than it already has.I did add one more detail to the bottem of the map and I had already uploaded the new version to my file share.