Delta Ruins

Discussion in 'Map Discussion' started by Auggie Burr, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Auggie Burr

    Auggie Burr Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Eshkii submitted a new map:

    Delta Ruins - 1 to 1 scale from the Halo 2 Campaign level Delta Halo.

    Read more about this map...
  2. Anarchy Kane

    Anarchy Kane Legendary

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  3. Robert Cosper

    Robert Cosper Legendary
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    im wondering if it was a mistake but the map author says eshkiieshkii is that a secondary profile you have and brought it over or is it just a glitch, i ask because im wondering if they soft patched the author bug
    Auggie Burr likes this.
  4. JurassicWeeMan

    JurassicWeeMan Legendary
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    Looks good, but could look way better if the map skybox settings/colors were changed. Currently, it looks a bit too much like a desert. Try setting the map skybox to "Overcast", and add in the distance fog with a little cyan or light blue, it'll make it look more lush, trust me. Otherwise, looks fun and I cant wait to play. Also, add CTF. I'm being a bit of a critic because I too am working on a remake area (from Regret, the mission after Delta Halo with the Gondolas), and those are my favorite missions/playable campaign locations of all time.
  5. Auggie Burr

    Auggie Burr Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's just a glitch. It's done it on all my maps and I'm not sure why. It never did it until this latest patch.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 31, 2016 ---

    Ive been through many variations of settings for the map. The reason the map isnt overcast is because the lightmap in certain areas just doesnt look right and the colors dont shine like theyre suppose to.

    I also built it in that specific location in hopes of adding an update for the iconic building located in the middle of the lake outwards. Its in perfect position for that I just need to optimize a bit more.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 31, 2016 ---
    Also CTF is on the way soon!
    JurassicWeeMan likes this.
  6. JurassicWeeMan

    JurassicWeeMan Legendary
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    Ok awesome, I hear ya! The map still looks great, and to be honest I will have to revisit that specific area in the campaign, as I do believe the buildings are rather tan like yours are. My in-progress map for Regret has a structure that is a reimagining of that triangular temple. It is way closer and is a playable area in my map, and is slightly different for gameplay purposes, but if you look at just the skeletal frame , it is quite accurate, I believe (essentially three big triangles). If you want to place a structure way out into the backdrop, you can build your structure inside the map boundary, then make it a group, then duplicate it while aiming way out into the backdrop, holding down the left throttle to push it out even farther. If you go too far out, however, it may get to a distance where you will not be able to retrieve it (i.e. it'll be permanent), so if you need it out as far as possible, make another save file before messing with that idea. Lights that go up into the sky can also be made, however, they disappear in the distance, unless you use the "sun" lense/light setting, which appears all the way across the map. Based on your forge map, I'd definitely say you're probably a more experienced forger than me, however I felt like throwing these tips out in case you or someone else could get some new ideas. I look forward to checking out your map with some friends soon.
    Auggie Burr likes this.
  7. SmoknBrlz64

    SmoknBrlz64 Legendary

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    Fantastic job Eshkii. I will never question your authority on lighting again. I don't know how you did it, but it looks absolutely fantastic. The only suggestion I'd make is to change the natural elements if we get an additional grassy terrain pallet later down the road.
    JurassicWeeMan and Auggie Burr like this.
  8. Auggie Burr

    Auggie Burr Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Will deff do that on further updates. I'm excited to see what the map will look like months down the road when we get new pallet pieces!
  9. M1ke 98

    M1ke 98 Legendary

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    Kier you wanna see my gun? Great map btw but still, Kier? Wanna see it?
  10. Something CEsar

    Something CEsar Legendary

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    It's weird how this part of delta halo is so popular to be remade. I remade this in reach a while ago because I really just liked the encounter. It was also remade as a custom map for H2 vista. I guess this area is just a well played multiplayer map. Good job though!
    Auggie Burr likes this.

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