DELTA HALO 0103 hours, September 19, 2552, The Pillar of Autumn had crash landed on the surface of the legendary ring....Halo. Different squads had dispatched, one with the master chief. But one squad, had broken away when hitting the rings atmosphere, compelling it further away than the other UNSC drop ships.....They had ended up in some sort of valley, with a mountain range and a crease down the middle. There were rocks larger than them themselves lying around, and they had hit very hard....there were only half of the crew left......They had a bundle of supplies, There Pelican was gone, blown to pieces.....and now they had only two mongeese, one had gone away with the ship, and one for themselves.The weapons they had packed were not much, but enough to keep them safe from the covenant. 3X Assault Rifles 2X Battle rifles 1X Magnum And a Rocket Launcher and shotgun that have gone missing along with a couple of battle rifles and SMGs And two left over covenant basic weapons of defense.... 1X Plasma pistol 1X Plasma rifle They see a Covenant camp set up and Think, if they can use the surroundings to help them take of the Covie camp....they can survive. ______________________ RECAP: Attackers Have 2 BRs 3ARs 1Pistol 1 Plasma pistol 1 Plasma rifle 1 Mongoose Defenders Have 1 BR 1 Needler 1 Mauler 1 Mongoose 1 Plasma pistol 1 Plasma rifle 1 carbine WEAPONS PLACED AROUND THE MAP: Shotgun Rockets (with 2 shots and 90 second respawn) Brute shot Sniper rifle Power drain 2 BRs 2 SMGs Nuetral Ghost (in the middle) Active Camouflage (60 sec) There are mancannons outside the barriers if you fall out....sorry i ran out of items ENJOY!! Supports all gametypes Overview 1 Overview 2 Overview 3 Middle on the bridge Spire Bottom level from Attackers view Top View Attackers side Attackers side 2 Attackers Leftover Supplies Defenders Side Defenders side 2 Neutral Ghost Rocket spawn ACTION SHOTS Dodged it! GET EM!! IN yo Face! No way Jose! 2 4 1 This is OUR territory now! DOWNLOAD Delta Halo
Great Job interlocking and Merging. The map looks very unique. My only concern is gameplay. Nonetheless the map looks pretty good
trust me, the gameplay is great....we played CTF, territtories, Team slayer, and neutral aussault and every one of my friends loved it......there is enough room to play, and drive on and still be satisfied along with a good spread of weaponds imo
I guess I'll download and check it out. The whole map pretty much looks like it was all using new, original ideas. Awesome variant!! 5/5
Wow I like this one, probably one of your best map besides the switches. I love the platforms on the top and this looks like a map that accually works well with a mongoose. Im not so sure about the rockets though, they might be a little to over-powered.
This Map is pretty good, it has all the new techniques, but I really couldnt see myself playing on this, but 3/5
aww, you not even gonna try it?.....i dont recommend free for all its a little too big,(unless you have a lot of people) i do recommend all objective games with 3-4 people teams though =]