Pre-DLC Delta Down

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Blood of the Fallen, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    (Going to fix the screen shots ASAP, just trying to figure out how to embed from halo screen shots, haven't used them before) It's 3am so I think i'm just going to give up and i'll change the pics over to photo bucket tomorrow before its been 24hours. Sorry for the inconvenience guys...

    Hey (Note: Strongly recommended you use the "Radio Grab" gametype for this map, the download for it is at the bottom with the map download link).

    So i've been getting a bit bored with all the sandbox maps because while most are amazing!, there's just to many out there now. So I decided to try something a little more old school. So without further A do I give you...Delta Down!

    For the moment this map is set up purely for territories but I will be incorporating slayer, CTF, Assault and all the rest if people like this idea and style of map.

    The map is based off a short story I wrote about halo, so that's where the idea come's from, and I've kinda always wanted to do something cool with the downed ship's. Anyway so here's all the info:

    Gametypes Supported:

    Territories [5] (2 teams, red & blue) MUST BE PLAYED USING "RADIO GRAB" download for that is at the bottom as well.

    The other gametypes as I said will be coming soon if this map isnt just purely hated lol.

    Weapon List:

    1x Spartan Laser
    2x Energy Sword
    2x Bruteshot
    1x Grav Hammer
    2x Beam Rifle
    2x Spiker
    2x Needler
    1x Plasma Pistol
    2x BR
    1x Turret

    1x Regenerator
    1x Bubble Shield
    6x Plasma Grenades
    6x Spike Grenades
    2x Ghost
    1x Prowler

    3x BR
    2x Assault Rifle
    1x Rocket Launcher
    2x SMG
    1x Sniper
    1x Spartan Laser
    2x Shotgun
    2x Magnum
    1x Missle Pod

    Equipment/ Vehicles
    1x Regenerator
    1x Trip Mine
    2x Mongoose
    1x Warthog

    2x Sniper
    6x BR
    4x Assault Rifle
    5x SMG
    2x Rocket Launcher
    5x Magnum
    1x Grav Hammer
    2x Shotgun

    1x Bubble Shield
    1x Regenerator
    2x Fire Bomb Grenades
    4x Frag Grenade
    1x Warthog
    (Yes I know there's a lot of power weapons, but it is Sandtrap, and I think I balanced everything out pretty well anyway, but if not let me know, but in tests it went pretty well)

    Anyway now here's a quick description of the map then pictures then your all done reading this post : )

    [FONT=&quot]"Delta to Command! Delta to Command! God damn it come in Command!" [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]"" The transmission was faint, choppy, there was barely a signal. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]"Were going down, are left thrusters are shot and we have little power in the right, we can’t stay airborne!" [/FONT]
    "No idea, navigation's shot, last I checked we were close to our destination, somewhere past Xion’s fourth moon I think”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]"Brigs...Xion has no fourth”[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]“What!? No way!...I swear...we passed another moon...”[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]“This can’t be happening...” [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]“Brigs...what’s...the....status....of....the...enemy....ship though?"[/FONT]
    "Its dead...we destroyed its’s nothing but a wreck on the planet below us now...but Command what the **** should we do?!"
    "Command!? Send a transmission to where!? What the hell happened!?"
    "Sir....are radios gone, the computers just blew"
    "What! Can you fix it!?"
    "I...I’m sorry sir.....I can’t"
    "1 minute until impact!" The pilot yelled from the cockpit.
    "Sir...what do we do?"
    "Nothing....were doomed...."[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]It is the year 2552 and the closing years of the Covenant wars. With losses being taken at every turn the UNSC is on edge and worried about the future and survival of the human race. So when one of their top research labs goes dark on the edge of settled space they send a team to investigate. The small frigate class ship “Delta” Commanded by veteran Sergeant Brigs, is dispatched immediately. Well passing one of Xion’s three moons in a Celestial cloud a large Covenant ship takes them unawares and damages their left thrusters and navigation along with their Slipspace drive. Delta flees while trying to stay on course but eventually turns and fights over an unidentified planet. After getting a lucky hit on the enemies bridge that sends it remains plummeting towards the planet Delta loses all power in the left side and starts to slowly spin out and down and follows the Covenant ship down to her death.[/FONT]

    The stranded marines (Attackers) Spawn at there downed ship amidst what remains of their supplies and weapons. There objectives are to a) secure all radio towers and systems and b) to break into the underground Research Facility and recover what remains of the files on the computer. All Objectives require 45 seconds of being held without letting the enemy near.

    The Covenant (Defender's) Spawn at their utterly destroyed battle cruiser. They have a small selection of their weapons and equipment to choose from for combat along with a few UNSC weapons that came from fall drop pods off Delta. The Covenant's only objective is to wipe out all humans and stop them from capturing the radio link system and from recovering the files on the computer.

    With this map, because there's 2 crashed ships, one from each race I decided to use it and build on it, that's why each race only has their own weapons to start with (Except the Covenant have a spartan laser and 2 BR's from drop pods that fell off of Delta when she came down).

    Anyway now onto pictures!

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]This is the Attacker's spawn and the crashed ship "Delta".
    This is the Defender's spawn and the crashed Covenant ship.
    Territory 1 and the Research Facility, now a bunker. (Bunker has a **** load of detail, i just couldn't get a good enough pic of it to bother posting it)
    The main sealed entrance to territory 1, just bonce a grenade off the wall behind the boxes:
    To do this:
    The result
    Here's the back entrance, just jump on top and throw a grenade down.
    there are also multiple smaller entrances in that you just need to melee the crate a few times to move it and get in. All entrances do reset after 30-45 seconds.
    Territory 2.
    Territory 3
    Territory 4
    Territory 5
    Neutral Warthog (Hog pit stop)

    Anyway so there you are, there's "Delta Down" I know it may seem to be a bit...bland? but not all fun things are complicated and I tried to add in as much detail and aesthetics's as possible (keep in mind this is Sandtrap, there's not much to work with lol)

    If people do enjoy this map though I plan to make a series of them, each following each other as I tell the tale of "Delta" and her travels.

    Anyway thank you for your time and all comments, criticism and ideas are welcome. Enjoy!

    And btw, if your interested in actually reading more of the story leave me a note :)

    Delta Down

    Game type: Radio Grab

    Well that's me done. I'll be making a V2 if people think I need it. Thanks for taking the time to check this out.

    #1 Blood of the Fallen, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2009
  2. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haloscreenshots is down right now photobucket is what I advise.
    I know you arent new but here is a guide to embedding pics
    I know you said that you are going to fix them Idk if Haloscreenshots is working again but it looks like you just need to add the [​IMG]
    #2 VIBlackDragonIV, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2009
  3. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello. Your post is almost up to Forgehub's standards, except the pictures. You've seem to have provided links, instead of pictures. Try surrounding the link with [​IMG]

    An example of one of yours:

  4. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    around 60x weapons, 6x equipment, 9x vehicles, 16x granades, you sir, got to be kidding. yeah i know, its sandtrap but your map is just a thrown together weapon *****. Try to make one of those amazing Sandbox Maps next time, there is a reason why nobody forges sandtrap ...
    #4 LD, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2009
  5. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You need to embed the photos, it is a rule of the forum (for lazy people that do not want to click through). Anyway, here are all of his screenshots in order:


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