Delta City

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Vampir Krieger, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. Vampir Krieger

    Vampir Krieger Ancient
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    Delta city centers around three streets and a few alleyways. Contrary to what I've seen in most city maps, the buildings are not the safest option for the humans. The buildings are cramped and the zombies may be significantly slower than the humans, but they can take a good deal of damage. A single headshot or point-blank shotgun blast is more than enough to kill them however. With the close-quarter buildings and rubble-strewn streets, the zombies have plenty of cover to maneuver around the map.

    GAME VARIANT: Post Apocalypse

    Human Traits:
    90% Speed
    200% Gravity
    Die in one sword slash

    Zombie Traits:
    75% Speed
    200% Gravity
    No Shields
    Increased Damage Resistance

    Now for some screenshots which will describe the map in such meticulous detail that you will want to throw your monitor/viewing device into a trash bin that is not here at the moment, but will appear after you view the screenshots and read this entire run-on sentence that would make many an English teacher shiver in their desk chair in their classroom.

    Main Street
    The main street runs the length of the city and connects to all other streets. As you can see there is quite a bit of items occupying the street, and I thought there would be a good number of people complaining about this. However, throughout testing almost nobody complained and many appreciated the cover offered by the wreckage as well as the way it looked. The main street is partly home to the truck wreck:
    On the other side of that fence is the wide street.

    Wide Street
    The wide street is the most rubble strewn streets and is home to a multitude of weaponry.
    Here is the side that is on the edge of the city:
    The other side, whose fence leads to the courtyard. This side also contains the passage between the main street and the wide street.

    The Courtyard
    This place is pretty self explanatory, not to say that it is useless, there have been a few that have survived for some time here, shooting through the fence at zombies.

    That Other Street that no-one talks about...
    It functions as a side passage through the town.

    The Bar
    The bar has seen better days, some drunk (or perhaps an infected) has smashed a 'hog straight into the front.
    The pallet on the left is a makeshift barricade that covers the Side entrance to the bar.
    Here is the hallway behind the bar:
    Smart people use the barrels to their advantage.

    Building A
    This building is sometimes used by survivors as a means of camping, however the concrete barrier inside as well as a wall obstruct the view of one of the doors, which has been the demise of more than one well-equipped but naive survivor.

    The Blocked Off Building: Really should have a better name for it....
    One word: INACCESSIBLE!

    The Alley
    Leads to the TUNNEL:
    which leads to the alley on the side of Building A.

    The Zombie Spawn Start Room
    The zombies start each round in this room, and are trapped for 60 seconds. This gives the humans enough time to find some weapons and explore the map, but only just enough time.
    The teleporter beyond leads to several different teleporters around the map, so be on the lookout for these, you'll want to stay away from these when the round time limit reaches five minutes. One is even in Building A.

    Now for everyone's favorite: Action Pictures...
    And last time I did the Zombieland Rule Images. I had a great deal of fun doin that, so I did something similar for this map...





    #1 Vampir Krieger, Apr 21, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2010
  2. TecH

    TecH Ancient
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    Way to kick it old skewl on foundry! The map looks awesome to and the post was sick. I especially loved the map picture!! I haven't played an infection map in awhile so whenmy xbox is fixed I'ma give this one a try!
  3. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Cool map cool
    Sort of like left 4 dead. Wait till the zombies are released while you find a place to hide. I like the urban city desgin with the warthogs crashed into trash.
  4. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    First off *High five* for a foundry map, then it looks great. I really like the broken walls where warthogs have broken through them. They look really realistic, and the whole urban feel is great. It reminds me of helps on the way, which was awesome. So great job

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