Ok so my friend Nyte and I decided to make a map pack that we decided to call Project://Eventide as a way to release our final maps and say goodbye to halo 3 forge, hopefully for good. The way we decided to do it was that we both make 2 maps on our own, do a co-forge and make Ironyte even more schmexier, and make a contest for a sixth slot. Naturally we were all hyped up (we at least I was) and we expected to see people submitting like crazy. After all, the winner doesn't just get the sixth slot, full credit for their map, and recognition, but they also get a whopping 1600 MCSFT points. Maybe even 3200, We're not sure yet. The thing is though, we only got a little bit of submissions. And I think it's because people think that Nyte and I aren't very well known, that we aren't very good at forging, so naturally they don't want to be associated with us. But I think we are pretty good. Want proof? Well then check out Ironyte for yourself. Not good enough? I thought so. Here is a very small preview of one of my last four maps on Halo 3. You like it, hate it, or just got comments, well then keep 'em to yourself lolz. But seriously feel free to comment on what you think of the map so far. Btw I've made a lot more progress since I took those screenshots, so if you want to see the map just simply send me a PM.
Lookin' good iRoNy. I wish you would've given us a better shot of the middle. The wall half posts look pretty cool how you alligned them. You'll have to invite and let me see it in person.
The aesthetics are really amazing, but I don't really see where gameplay is going. But I know it's a preview and I can't really see the map too well. I'm looking froward to your map pack and I'll check out your contest.
Thank you very much. I would've given a better shot of the middle structure because it was looking pretty good, but then I noticed that it was angled entirely different that the rest of the map. I tried fixing it, but I just messed up. So I just deleted it. I am currently rebuilding it but it really isn't much to show so yeah. And yeah I'll invite you sometime this week before I finish the map so you can see for yourself. Thanks for the compliment. I'm kind of going for your typical midship inspired map, but irony-ized (WTF does that mean?! lol) And if you want to see the map for yourself, just like Nibs, I'll invite you sometime this week.
Wow, I'm happy to see you finally finishing this map dude. Must be 6 months ago now you friend requested me and asked my opinions on it Even if I'm not on Halo, invite me if you're ever running games on this.
OH yeah time flies man. But yeah I've had this map for about a year lol. I'm just trying to finish it up and make it schmexy before Halo: Reach comes out. But yeah, you'll be the first I invite.