Debate Deja Vu and Precognition

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Whujios, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Whujios

    Whujios Ancient
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    Are these real or merely a delusion of the mind?

    For instance you have a flash of a event or image. Are you going to cause that to happen merely because you saw it? Or are you in a attempt of free will try to change it only to cause the event yourself?

    If the following is true would that mean there is truly a fate for every person on the planet or is it just our minds playing tricks on us and causing us to be paranoid?

    Another instance when a major accident happens there reports of people who claimed to have have a bad feeling so they get off the plane/object and then it happens is this truly Precognition or is it merely Deja Vu from having seen/have it happen to you at one point in time? Is this merely you being paranoid and you happening to get lucky this time or is there truly a fate for you?


    Links for reference (will add more in a bit)

    Basic differences between Deja Vu and Precognition
    Deja vu and Precognition
  2. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    its hard to say i think that since with use like only 20% of our brain or something like that. That we could. I think that Deja Vu is very possible just because our brain can recognize things. Like i can remeber phone numbers. By that i mean you could tell it to me once and not repeat it and then a week later you could ask for it and i would know it.
  3. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Sometimes when I have deja vu, I can eventually track the memory back to a dream I had in the past. That makes me wonder if it's not actually dreams that have some sort of weak predictive power.
  4. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    I have a lot of deja vu in my dreams, like I dream I wrote a certain sentence on a certain test, but I don't remember the dream until it happens.
  5. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I've often thought about this.

    The most astonishing event that happened to me was a good 5 years ago when I was looking in a cupboard under my stairs. The cupboard include the as readings, pipes and so on. Sudden'y, for no apparent reason, the word fire flashed into my head. I didn't think about it much.

    A couple of weeks later, I was reading my local newspaper and there was a huge gas fire in the area. (A fire set off by leaked gas.) I was startled about what I thought those weeks ago. Yes, I'm still not ruling out stuff stored in my subconscience but it was truely wierd as to what happened then.

    As for another example, I had been on a holiday to the school via a flight to Girona Airport on a Ryanair flight. Two weeks later I went on holiday with my family to Menorca. Every so often I would see references to Girona on the TV and such (e.g. Football teams). Around a week through the holiday, on the news channels there were stories coming in about an emergency landing. The flight was on a Ryanair plane going to Girona. That scared me.

    Link: BBC NEWS | UK | Forced landing for Ryanair flight

    That last one wasn't exactly pregocnition but more Deja vu.
  6. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I usually get Deja Vu after I forget a dream completely. I'll see something that reminds me of something in the dream. I dount I see the future though.
  7. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    i've had deva ju of deva ju it that makes sense to you guys

    it freaked me out so bad
  8. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    Deja Vu effects me weirdly, I'll be doing something and then I'll stop and it'll feel like Deja Vu but I know for a fact it isn't. Then later maybe a day or a week I'm back there and I realize I've done this before and it complety freaks me out. It is like precognition of Deja Vu.

    My view is that everyone is connected and Deja Vu is a outcome of this. Precognition is an extrasensory event that everyone has but a lucky use it on accident.
  9. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Deja Vu

    I've experienced Deja Vu very vividly a handful of times in my life. It truly is the most bizarre experience. Feeling like you've lived an exact moment before to the point where you almost know what people are going to say next, would almost be frightening if it wasn't so damn cool. At the very most my experiences have lasted maybe 30-45 seconds.

    While it would be cool if it were some sort of magical occurrence, either remembered precognitive dreams or memories from a previous life, my mind looks for more logical science based explanations. The most popular theory, and the one I subscribe to, has to due with miss firing neurons that cause an overlap between our short term and long term memories. This brief accidental misrouting can cause an experience to be logged into memory milliseconds before it is actually perceived by the conscious part of our brains. This causes us to feel as if the experience is being recalled rather than new.

    I don't believe in precognition or ESP. I only believe in intuition(a hunch) based on previous experience and knowledge of what is likely to happen. I think it is incredibly sad and offensive the way so called psychics toy with the emotions of gullible people by claiming to know the future or even speak with the dead.

    John Edwards is the biggest example of this douchary. He is a fraud and a sociopath.
  10. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    I get deja vu all the time, and I can know what's going to happen like 1 second before it does.

    This could be some sort of strange lag between our brain knowing what's happening and us actually seeing what's happening.

    I've never linked deja vu to a dream though, but the memories that seem to repeat are always faint and un-clear like a dream.
  11. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    You're both right and wrong at the same time. Sometimes, an event happens that you had dreamed about in the past, but the vast, overwhelming majority of your dreams never actually happen. That leads me to believe that dreams are just your brain guessing things, and occasionally it gets one right, and that one seems like it was predicted.

    It may seem like dreaming is a totally unexplainable, perhaps even supernatural event, but there is one psychological theory that I like that can explain them. They are your brain's rehearsals. Basically, your mind is going through scenarios and planning what it would do in that situation, so that when a situation occurs, you can call on past "experience" and be more prepared to act. Its like your mind is running a fire drill.

    So if an event happens that you have had a dream about, it isn't deja vu or precognition that you dreamed about it. Rather, it had crossed your mind that someday you might be in that situation, so your brain had prepared you for it, and had already decided what to do.
  12. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    rofl... I'm glad to know that my brain is preparing itself for the outside chance I ever encounter a sky circus climbing net that leads to rockets you can ride over large lakes.

    Yeah, my first explanation about predictive power is a bit.. eh... hokey. Here's another possible, more likely explanation. It's a bit of yours and mine combined.

    Different people have different levels of dream recall. Speaking for myself, I can remember about 5% of my dreams, retain vague recollection of about 20%, and have no recollection whatsoever of about 75%. I'm guessing most people are somewhat the same on those numbers. However, I'm only referring to conscious recollection. Dreams are retained in memory, just not accessible until something activates that memory.

    Deja vu, I think, could simply be what happens when something in life triggers the memory of some totally forgotten dream. It's a subconscious rush spilling over into consciousnes because dreams are so strange. You still don't consciously recall the dream, you just know that there is something familiar that just got triggered.
  13. greenlanternguy

    greenlanternguy Ancient
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    it has been said that our minds contain all the knowledge in the universe butit hasn't been unlocked maybe dreams are momentary access that we struggle to understand or maybe it's all crap
  14. killamnjaro

    killamnjaro Ancient
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    dejavu - as far a i know all dejavu is is you feel as though this as already happened and all it is is you had a dream that you did not remember having.
    precognition - this is when the brain is a little creeped out for some reason and you just keep thinking that you need to avoid whatever is creeping your brain out.

    This is where phycics come in. they are people who have learned to accsess a new part of their brain... or they can just be a nut job.

    it is part of the fact that everybody is a genious but only the gifted can truly accsess the parts of their brain and use them to their full potential.
  15. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    You're close but not on target. Say you walk into a quaint little town and leave without experiencing any Deja Vu. Say you walk into a different town years later with a somewhat similar layout and maybe the odd tree that looks like its in the same place. You haven't thought about this city in years. Your mind had no need to commit it to long term memory so the bits you've retained by mistake are easily extrapolated upon and superimposed by your brain. The reason Deja Vu only lasts a few seconds is because specific landmarks or events that happen next interupt the brains assumptions and you quickly realize the error. Like an optical illusion. You could swear there is nothing there but once you see it you can't stop yourself from seeing it.

    That basic phychological condition can be attributed to sounds as well, don't think it is strictly confined to images. Literally all human perception can be linked by a Deja Vu experience.
  16. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I was specifically responding to the dreams have some predictive power aspect of things, not deja vu in general, but yea Nitrous, thats basically right. Human minds don't remember anything photographically, so you piece memories together with whatever is at hand.
  17. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    Honestly, when I experience 'deja vu' it is more a sporadic, singular frame from an event. I'll being doing something, and then a frame from a future event will pop into my mind. The events aren't major or important or anything, they are just snapshots from my future. As far as I can tell, I have no way to act on them or control them. However, every single time that it happens to me, I immediately recall that frame and sit there thinking to myself for two or so minutes the following:

    "OMGWTF I have seen this before! No, you are only believing that you have seen this before. Orly? Nope, just kidding. You definitely have seen this, but only a very tiny cross section of the moment. Go take a shower, jeez."

    The above is subject to change at my discretion.
  18. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I have, what I guess you can call deja vu in dreams. I see it as a look at minor future events. An example is a meaningless conversation. I'll say something to a friend in my dream and he'll reply. Then maybe the next day, week later, month later, or year later, I'll have a memory of seeing and talking about that exact conversation or moment that came up.

    One dream I had was about my current wife. The first day we went out, I hade a quick runthrough of our date in my dream. This was weird because this was 2 years before I even met her. I woke up saying... who was that? Strangely, two years later my date with her triggered my memory of my dream and (me being me) right before we left I said: "I know how this whole date is going to go." She replied: "What do you mean?" I said: "We're going to wait for your dad in the mall for two hours. Then head out to eat dinner. Then we're going to kiss before the movies, then I'm going to take you home and we're going to make out in your driveway for a half hour." Of course, she said: "Oh really?"

    It was strange though to be able to have a dream of it and that part of the day went exactly as planned. The only thing I didn't know that happened was that it rained. Although I never was outside during any part of my dream, so I could have missed that. Anyways, I'm not sure if this is what you're referring to, but it happens to me only when I dream. Although sometimes I'm sure most of these are just dreams and do not hold much of the future.

    I would have to say that these are real.
  19. abandoned heretic

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    prerecogniton deja vu maybe both are true maybe only one or just a fortunate or unfortunate random thought maybe its a higher power speaking

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