Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills) i like the idea of the jumping, i'll give it a try.
Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills) Haha, whenever someone else on other boards posts small text I just paste it into the address bar. Sorry
Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills) Ok guys, I have an early beta for you to test out. This is going to be mostly for the one's who are familiar with jumping already. So I need some feedback, I'm going to send you in with minimal instructions, but it is the same business as previously, get to all the points. Things to know -Obviously a work in progress -In order from easy to hard, with one freebie at the end (between the hardest, and the "Final Exam") -Start on the left, and work your way right -Follow the cones on the "TreeRun" problem -Save some ammo with the brute shot for the top half (use an edge ghost jump to get to the halfway point after shooting a couple at your feet) -An edge ghost jump is required to get the first Radar Jammer -All feedback (good and bad) is appreciated (Questions, comments, etc.) You need -To go to my fileshare and get The map Dfrg HGJMP beta in slot 3. -And you will also need the "Speedrun" gametype (if you don't have it already) in slot 2. No thread or pics, as it is a beta. Full post in about a week or less, depending on how this goes. Viele Glueck! P.S. Added more edge ghost, and around corner jumps, as requested Love, Dev
Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills) I must say that I enjoyed this map. It is great for single player and when you are waiting for x-box live to come back up . I was really satisfied when I beat it!
Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills) Downloading the High Ground beta now. I'll reply/edit in the morning with impressions. I really suck at edge ghost jumps so this should be tricky ;D
Thanks to everyone who tested out the Beta of HG-JMP1. I have officially posted the map, with descriptions to the problems for those of you who got stuck. The thread can be found here. Again, thanks.
This looks promising, once I get a chance I'll be sure to try this out for myself. Looks challenging too. Nice work.
UPDATE: I have added (in the FAQ) some pretty good montages showing off some great skills in the jumping world, and a link to the tutorials. Looks like there is some stuff that can be used for the next Defrag map...
Is it this map or the other one that's newer/better? This one looks pretty cool, I'll have to try it out once I find out which one to download.
This one was the original. But the puzzles in each are quite different. This one is easier overall, but gets to the harder problems quicker. It doesn't hurt to try both!
I posted a vid in the HG-JMP1 thread, but it is just as relevant here: This video covers everything there is to know about trick jumping.