This map was built by myself and broccollipie one night while we were tired of the DMR and fighting on unbalanced maps against MLG pros. Interesting fact about deflectors: features GAUSS hog Objective: DEFLECT onslaught of golf balls before they trip your mine and kill you. Right now, even in its early phase its extreemly fun. Cant wait to release a DL for u all to enjoy **oh yeh, the guass hog is first person XD**
Yeah, scoring works like this: Any ball deflected falls down into the pit where a haloball goal is, when red team is deflecting then the balls deflected go towards red teams points, the round ends, and blue team is up, then the deflected balls go to blue team. Any ball that is missed hits where the land mines are, which kills the person, and bounces into a soft killzone which cancells them out. So only deflected balls are scored With a team of four this game is INSANEly fun Oh, there is 4 rounds, each team gets two turns to he deflectors
Solid idea man. What do the people not deflecting do? Also, you really should improve on the aesthetics. I like the originality though.
It'd be good if you made the non-deflectors deflect the "scored" halo balls away from the scoring zone with other vehicles!
hey the previews up! as someone above stated, the maps aesthetics do need to be improved the use of the first person turret perspective actually makes it quite a bit easier. love the idea though come to think of it, you could make it a team king where theteam has to work together to stay in the hill [alive]
Hey broccolli, ive got some asthetic ideas i wanna try out Thanks for all of your interest in the map, but i do only want it to be broccollipie and myself working on it though Oh yeah, also, broccolli and i are currently discussing ways for the watchers to also enjou the map
Just a thought, but what if the people who died deflecting had to dodge the deflected golf balls? Or they respawn where the golf balls do and attempt to distract other players as they fly toward them (like a golf bal). Focus rifle blinding might be an optiom.
Yeah, i thought about having them dodge, but te problem is that the deflected balls go over SUCH a range that doing anything with them, even catching them, is a challenge:/ I am toying with the idea of them dropping extra balls onto the mancannons to hit the other team, i think that would be fun Any other suggestions would be awesome Also, we might COMPLETELY remake the map tonite
Looks fantastic. The reticule against the blue blends in a bit though, so you may want to consider FX simply to make the reticule more visible. Looks absolutely awesome, and I wanna play!
As long as their stuck "watching", there's no way for them to have fun. You're going to have to find a way to integrate them into the actual mechanics of the game. Idea: As long as I understand this concept correctly, I might have a make-shift solution to offer. Say Red team is currently deflecting. While they are working on that, the blue team could be on some kind of platform down below where all the balls (giggidy) end up. The blue team could in some way be trying to block the balls (again, giggidy) from going into the goal. If they do this, they can then gain points for their team, denying red team points. Just a suggestion.