
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Vogeln Heart, Apr 2, 2011.

  1. Vogeln Heart

    Vogeln Heart Forerunner

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    Another rank battle map for All Decked Out. Red and blue initial spawns support 4v4.

    Four floors with 3 gravlifts in the middle of the first floor taking you up to the other 3 and one hole in the middle to drop to the first floor from any of the floors.

    Boxes on 2 sides of the map for purple and yellow teams to watch.

    One way shields on each floor (except 4th) to go up one floor.

    Holes on each floor (except 1st) to drop down one floor.

    And the most important thing. . .
    . . .a portapottie.

    If your wondering why the map is set up the way it is or why it is called defibulator when it looks like a cunstruction zone look at my Vascular map thread which is also in Reach competitive maps.
    #1 Vogeln Heart, Apr 2, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2011
  2. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the map is an interesting idea and seems to be creative and original but I think the map little aesthetics and the map has little value in the gameplay...the map seems to have little cover and seems to be easliy camped with alll the different lifts...I would also like to know the weapons on the map...
  3. Vogeln Heart

    Vogeln Heart Forerunner

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    To avoid alot of camping there's no sword, shotgun or gravity hammer. There is one of each kind fo sniper rifle a grenade launcher and 2 dmr and needle rifles along with a needler and two stickies. There's minimal cover oneach floor but still some to work with beacuse it is easy enough to run to another floor and use the floors and ceiling fo cover.
    #3 Vogeln Heart, Apr 3, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2011

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