Defend your map!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Something., Oct 12, 2008.

  1. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    MAP DL: Enjoy.

    Gametype DL: Here ya go
    I'm not good with introductions. So have a picture:


    That picture (should have) told you that this here is the ultimate tower defense/halo hybrid! For those unsure of what a tower defence game is, go to this. It'll help you understand what this is all about ( Make sure you come back... in at least an hour or two).

    Time for a quickie story now, children:

    Once upon a time a bunch of annoying kids wanted to create something on foundry. Their creation was so horrible they were promptly banned from said map.

    So naturally, they decided to take over all of Forge. One by one, the maps fell. Avalanche crumbled, Narrows was narrowed (?) and High ground just got pwned. Frodo, along with the fellowship, set out for Mordor People tried everything to stop them, including getting that guy who played Braveheart to take the kids on. Since he was such a failure at life, he died.


    The only map that is left standing is foundry, and the kids have enlisted the help of HaXxOrS to force their way onto the map. You are the last defenders of all that is good forging. Get to it!

    The Map
    So let's move onto the map. It's a halo recreation of that game, adapted to have 2 sides, the attackers (kids), and the defenders (other guys). The attackers have to make their way through a winding path to take over Foundry, and make endless copies of horrible fat kid and Cops and robbers maps. Innocent-sounding at first, but then in my proverbial assholery, I placed untold perils along the path.

    The Untold Perils

    The defenders. Placed out of reach of the attackers, the defender's job is to shoot down the attackers before they make it to the end. Let's backtrack a moment and plot out the course of the attackers.


    You begin at the beginning path of beginningness, where things begin. You go down the first straightway past the first guy, hit an S turn by the explosives guy (#2) and go down the splazer straightway (Stay tuned to find out why it's called that), passing guy #3.


    As our models have shown in the this picture, You must tread through the machine gun guy (#4), and the acupuncture center (guy # 5), then make your way past Throw-annoying-crap-at-you, guy #6.


    Known as the "**** that's a lot of firepower" hallway, you will have to force your way through guy # 3 (redux), Sniper guy (#7), and the random stuff guy (#8),

    If you can live through this, you get to the "final boss", randomstuff AND explosives guy (they pack a :punch:). Only after all of this, do you get the joy of ripping apart the lifeforce of foundry:


    The lifeforce of foundry.

    Simply enter a teleporter, and you will be taken to 1 of 7 control points of Foundry!

    After this, just enter the teleporter of suicide (shown at the bottom of the pic ^^) to head back to the start.


    To assist you, you have several goody things. For one, you are naturally beefed up somewhat. 500% resistance, normal shields no shield recharge , normal speed, high gravity, and brown.

    Second, You have the help of powerups, which, over time, become available to you. When you respawn, you will be placed in one of the powerup rooms (or none at all =C) to be given a boost for your journey.

    1 minute - Overshield. twice the health, twice the fun
    2 minutes- Camo. Ghost your way through two thirds of path, laughing at the foolish defenders. (Ie it wears out before the end, keep that in mind).
    3 minutres - Ultimate Fat kid - They are slow, and packed with steroids (4x overshields, high resistance), not unlike this guy:


    Third, there are bits of equipment on the map that spawn periodically to help disrupt the defenders.

    Firebombs- spawns every 30 seconds near the path's beginning. Use them to temporarily blind defenders.
    Flare - spawn near the middle every 60 seconds. Use to do a wide scale blinding, or a single person screwover.

    Bubble shield- every 2 minutes, near the end. use to protect yourself for a small portion of path. You don't regen health, so don't bother hiding in it.

    Now for the Defenders (You'll love this):


    Traits: 200% damage, regular speed, high gravity, no radar, invulnerable, gold.

    You will be getting 1 of 8 lovely spots to defend from. Each offers a different set of helpful abilities to hold off the attackers. Used in combination, you can be a love(read: rape) machine.




    That's a look at 3 different boxes. Here's a list of abilities you get in each box (as time goes by):

    Box 1: Pistol start, :45 AR, 1:30 s Br, 3:00 s Plasma pistol

    Box 2: Grenade/pistol start, every :30 plasma and frags, 2:00 brute shot, 3:00 rockets

    Box 3: pistol start, :45 carbine, 1:30 plasma rifle, 2:00 another rifle, 3:00 spartan lazer.

    Box 4: 2 pistols start, 1:30 SMG, 2:00 AR, 2 turrets (don't rip em off) 3:00

    Box 5: Spiker start, 1:00 another spiker, power drain every 1:30, 3:00 needler

    Box 6: Pistol start, Every :30 trip mine, every :45 2 deployable covers, 1:30 AR, 3:00 BR

    Box 7: AR/ pistol start, 1:30 Br, 3:00 sniper

    Box 8: Sentinel beam start, beam rifle 1:30, fuel rod 3:00



    -Call out people with certain abilities when you see them, (Ie calling out fat kid guy so lazer guy can have a half charged shot waiting for him)

    -Use up a clip entirely before reloading. Better yet, switch to another weapon and use its clip up, and keep reloading to the lulls between the action.

    - Prioritize targets. Use those 2 rockets to knock out the overshield guy, not the fat kid 2 feet from the end with half health.


    - Never stop. You don't regain health, so every shot taken by you while hiding is just unnecessary damage.

    - if possible, go as a group. Don't hang back forever, though, and don't bunch together in a rocket-friendly way.

    Hugging certain walls can cut off lines of sight of certain people. You find them out for yourselves.

    Oya, action shots:

    Overcome by "**** that's a lot of firepower" hallway.

    The powers.

    Guess what happened next.

    Not pictured: A boner for a fuel rod.


    I think that's about it, if there's anything unclear, just post it. Keep in mind, this is a pretty rough version, a public beta if you will. If i hear an interlock comment, I swear I will get Mr. T to kill a kitten.

    He'll do it.
    #1 Something., Oct 12, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2008
    Silent oo death, Sam and DeathToll77 like this.
  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Not up to standards,
    fix before a mod kills you!

    just copy an paste your old one, with diff pics
  3. Something.

    Something. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Or click a single link. Sorry if it's too much work.
  4. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    I remember HELPING WITH THIS. Its a really cool map, anf fun to play on It feels like you keep going down an endless hallway
  5. LeafyOwNu2

    LeafyOwNu2 Ancient
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    Well, the post you linked to is not the same at this map. If the general idea is the same then just copy and paste then add your own pictures.

    Remember, you want to people to download your map. We don't have to. You want to make everything easy for your potential map users. A lot of people wont download this map because of the chance it wont be what they think.

    People don't like going through all the work of reading a description of another map, trying to picture it on a different map, download the map, then play it and find out its not what they expected. I know it sounds stupid, but its just too much of a risk for all the work involved.

    Also, it is stated in the rules that each map posted must have at least one embedded image. The images which you are showing us are of a different map.
    Something. likes this.
  6. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Yes, it is. All the information in that post applies to this map, except the word foundry.
  7. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    I agree. it is not that hard to copy and paste the description and at least embed a few pictures. sorry but if you want me to even think about downloading this map, then add a few pictures and copy/paste description into this post from the other post. Like i said, it isn't hard. plus it will get locked since it isnt up to fh standards, so noone will beable to donwload it once it then
  8. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Copy pasta is delicious... and pointless.
  9. xXxPHANTOMxXx

    xXxPHANTOMxXx Ancient
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    Someguy! Congrats on finishing this map. I remember the very first version you showed me, its come along way!
  10. Handl3 this fo0l

    Senior Member

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    wow i had fun just READING it!! haha i love the comedic touch you added. good job :D

    DL straight away!
  11. Flippy04

    Flippy04 Ancient
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    omg lmao this map sounds awesome your description is halarious im downloading it but ill never find enuf ppl to actualy have a full game with lmao

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